CO2 in a Methane Economy

From our archive, we post a 1988 paper by Jesse, Arnulf Grübler, and Nebojsa Nakicenovic, titled Carbon Dioxide Emissions in a Methane Economy.…

Wood H to C ratio

The current madness for biofuels has raised again the question of the proper hydrogen-to-carbon ratio to use to index wood and other biomass against other fuels. We offer a note…

Car Talk

An article in the New Republic Magazine about hydrogen to fuel vehicles cites our work:…

New York Times “dot earth” Poppies

…a predictive way over long periods, we cannot say whether the future of human population is runaway growth or slow implosion. Thus, we revisit the logistic analysis of aggregate human…

Passing of Arthur Singer

Our great friend of many years, Arthur L. Singer, passed away 25 December 2019. The New York Times published an accurate, informative obituary. Art’s own memoir is posted here. We…

Electricity Daily coverage

In its 21 February edition The Electricity Daily covered Jesse’s Capitol Hill talk about climate:…