Why we make maps

…tangles of sequences and species represent historical or ongoing mating between species and “research on factors governing hybridization would be particularly informative in gaining an understanding of the role of…

“Continental Supergrid” summary

The “Continental Supergrid” is a most exciting concept for new infrastructure for large-scale distribution of hydrogen and electricity. Jesse has helped the concept to develop, notably through a 5-7 November…

CBOL Taipei

…in 2003. During the 17-21 September 2007 the Consortium for the Barcode of Life convened its 2nd International Conference in Taipei along with meetings of working groups concerned with fish,…

Bob Herman

Prof. Hani Mahmassani, Director of the Transportation Center at Northwestern University, has set up a Google Scholar public profile for the late Robert Herman, with whom we worked closely on…

Second Look and Cities posted

Expanding our online publication archive, PDF versions of the 1991 paper, “A Second Look at the Impacts of Climate Change,” as well a 1988 piece by Jesse and Robert Herman…

Lounsbery Political Attitudes

The Richard Lounsbery Foundation sponsored a new survey of political attitudes of American professors by Neil Gross (Harvard) and Solon Simmons (George Mason U.). Jesse offered opening remarks on behalf…