EOL Videos

The 8-9 May 2007 public launch of the Encyclopedia of Life included short appearances by Jesse on Reuters television and on the CBC evening news….

The Census of the Fishes: Concept Paper

Jesse H. Ausubel. phe.rockefeller.edu, January 1997

…distribution and abundance of marine life. Sea life holds great interest for the public in the USA and around the world. Aquariums and exhibitions on marine life in natural history…

Added online reprints Malthus

Added online reprints Malthus and the Graduate Studentsand Working Less and Living Longer. Link to the American Scientist web site with the abstract of Can Technology Spare the Earth?…

Special Report

…pay more money for an environmentally sensitive product,” he says. Is Heat Unhealthy? Experts can’t agree whether rising temperatures will make the world wetter or drier. Either way, the potential…

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

The Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) & SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network BIOGEOGRAPHIC ATLAS OF THE SOUTHERN OCEAN was released in late August 2014. See three news stories below. The…

Seasons USA theatre release schedule

…Jesse Ausubel at the dinner in honor of the film at the home of the French ambassador in Washington DC. See also the earlier entries below. https://phe.rockefeller.edu/blog/2016/01/30/short-videos-of-galatees-the-seasons/ https://phe.rockefeller.edu/blog/2015/11/26/the-seasons-2-minute-teaser/    …

Visions of the 21st Century

…Make Garbage Disappear? Through the magic of recycling and modern alchemy, we will move swiftly toward a world without waste by IVAN AMATO Whoever said “waste not, want not” hasn’t…