2020 declared Year of Quiet Ocean – News from International Quiet Ocean Experiment

…to find out  https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/wildlife-biodiversity/what-happened-when-the-oceans-went-quiet-during-the-pandemic-scientists-set-to-find-out-76387 The National News, United Arab Emirates Oceans silenced by Covid to reveal impact of human activity on marine life https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/europe/oceans-silenced-by-covid-to-reveal-impact-of-human-activity-on-marine-life-1.1199684 COSMOS Magazine, Australia Year of the

CoML update

Superb stories on the Census of Marine Life appeared 13 February in the leading German weekly, Der Spiegel, and 22 February in the leading Brazilian weekly, Veja….


Discover magazine celebrates our work with Finnish colleagues on the changing density of forests as one of the top 100 science stories of 2011. “Forests stage a comeback” is #36!”…

EMBO Biodiversity conference

The videos of the talks of the EMBO/EMBL conference on Biodiversity and Society held 9-10 November 2012 in Heidelberg are now on-line, including Jesse Ausubel’s talk on Macroscopes for Biodiversity….

Matt Ridley on Peak Farmland

…people are likely to release from farming a land area “1½ times the size of Egypt, 2½ times the size of France, or 10 Iowas, and possibly multiples of this…

National Geographic on eDNA

An article by Steve Leahy for National Geographic about our National Conference on Marine Environmental DNA New DNA tool ‘changes everything in marine science’ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/12/edna-environmental-dna-counts-fish-changes-marine-science/ Also in the news net:…

National Cockroach Project (NCP)

…spirit of the project and results so far. The LiveScience post was picked up by NBC News, Yahoo News, and Discovery websites. Results so far show four distinct genetic types…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…of the Encylopedia of Life at Rockefeller University in New York City. “I’m not sure about the volume but … they wouldn’t all want the same conditions in their cabins,”…