Finish for trains and start for maglevs?

…to emerge. Help sometimes comes from unexpected places. Sailing ships had trouble getting through the Suez canal and thus lost a crucial market. What might be the Suez canal for…

Fusion power density demonstrated

…hydrocarbons.  The recent JET fusion experiment achieved density 10,000,000 times coal  with deuterium-tritium fuel.  Note: *CANDU is a pressurized heavy water reactor.  Sources of data: and  Figure prepared…

Reviews of The Seasons

Galatee’s The Seasons, on which Jesse Ausubel served as a science advisor, earns good reviews. Review: The Nature Documentary ‘Seasons’ Looks at Land Animals New York Times ‘Seasons’ takes a…

Google Impact supports DNA Barcoding

Border inspectors and wildlife officials around the world look for endangered species killed and trafficked in violation of national laws and international treaties. Sometimes the objects are easily identified but…


…from different parts of the globe, have emigrated to New York City where they now live together and interbreed–a lot like people! Â Co-authors include Chris von Beeren and Daniel…

National Cockroach Project

The DNAHouse project alerted us to the value of barcoding a New York City cockroach…and now Mark Stoeckle announces the initiation of the National Cockroach Project. Jeanne Garbarino posts a…

Notice for Alexander Keynan

…Israeli Newspaper Ha’aretz. May 8, 2012 Professor Alexander Keynan Dies Keynan, who was first administrator of the institute for Biology at Nes Tziona and a member of the committee atomic…

An article about the Sloan-sponsored

An article about the Sloan-sponsored university simulator Virtual-U appeared in the New York Times on 9 April 2000 – Running Things (Into the Ground) An article about professional master’s programs…