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Is America dematerializing? Trends and tradeoffs in historic demand for one hundred commodities in the United States [external link]. Pp. 105643 in Resources Policy vol. 101, 2025 Dematerialization
.A potential tool for marine biogeography: eDNA-dominant fish species differ among coastal habitats and by season concordant with gear-based assessments [external link]. Plos One vol. 19(11): e0313170., 2024
.Human and domesticated animal environmental DNA as bioassays of the Anthropocene [external link]. The Innovation 4 (1): 100356, 2023 eDNA; human and domesticated animal DNA; biomarker; anthropocene
.The Search for Leonardo’s Genome (PDF). Bulletin of the Amiercan Academy of Arts & Sciences LXXVI (2): 12-19, 2023
.Peak Human? Thoughts on the Evolution of the Enhancement of Human Performance (PDF). Pp. 20 in Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University, 2023
.Jewish population trajectories between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea [external link]. Israel Affairs vol. DOI: 10.1080/13537121.2023.2206247, 2023
.The Indo-Pacific in 2050: Alternative Energy Scenarios and Security [external link]. Real Clear Energy 2023
.Ensure forest-data integrity for climate change studies [external link]. Nature Climate Change 2023
.Trajectories of COVID-19: A longitudinal analysis of many nations and subnational regions [external link]. PLOS ONE 2023
.The Virtual Worlds of Climate and Energy [external link]. RealClear Energy vol. August, 2023
.Current laboratory protocols for detecting fish species with environmental DNA optimize sensitivity and reproducibility, especially for more abundant populations [external link]. ICES Journal of Marine Science vol. fsab273, 2022
.Managing existing forests can mitigate climate change [external link]. Forest Ecology and Management vol. 513, 2022
.Storing carbon or growing forests? [external link]. Land Use Policy vol. 121, Elsevier, 2022 Forest management, Carbon Sink, Forest growth dynamics
.How to Invest in the Global Forests of the Future [external link]. RealClearScience 2022
.The Search for Leonardo’s Genome (PDF). Human Evolution 37 (3-4): 221-228, 2022 Leonardo Da Vinci; genome; DNA
.12S gene metabarcoding with DNA standard quantifies marine bony fish environmental DNA, identifies threshold for reproducible detection, and overcomes distortion due to amplification of non-fish DNA (PDF). , . DOI: 10.1002/edn3.376 (11 November): 2022 bottom trawl survey, coastal ecosystem, eDNA, environmental DNA, marine fish, metabarcoding, quantitative metabarcoding
.Interspecific allometric scaling in eDNA production among northwestern Atlantic bony fishes reflects physiological allometric scaling (PDF). Environmental DNA 2022 DOI: 10.1002/edn3.381 abundance, allometric scaling, allometry, biomass, eDNA, fishes
.Measuring Ambient Ocean Sound During the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF). Eos vol. 102, 2021 acoustics, Quiet Ocean Experiment
.How eDNA Could be a Cornerstone of the New Blue Economy (PDF). Maritime Executive 2021
.Quantifying forest change in the European Union [external link]. Pp. E13-4 in Nature vol. 592, 2021 Forest
.Moore’s Law revisited through Intel chip density [external link]. PLOS ONE 16 (8): e0256245, 2021
.Plant and Animal Diversity Is Declining, But What About Microbial Diversity? [external link]. Pp. 11 May in RealClear Science 2021 biodiversity
.Biological information for the new blue economy and the emerging role of eDNA (PDF). Chapter 13 (pp. 249-258) in Preparing a Workforce for the New Blue Economy: People, Products, and Policies, . Elsevier, 2021 aquatic eDNA
.Archiving time series sewage samples as biological records of built environments [external link]. BMC Infectious Diseases 21 (601): 2021
.Is Global Microbial Biodiversity Increasing, Decreasing, or Staying the Same? [external link]. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2021
.Some DNA issues for art law (PDF). Pp. 46-48 in Media Law Letter August, 2021
.Improved Environmental DNA Reference Library Detects Overlooked Marine Fishes in New Jersey, United State [external link]. Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (226): 2020 edna
.Trawl and eDNA assessment of marine fish diversity, seasonality, and relative abundance in coastal New Jersey, USA. [external link]. ICES J Marine Sci ..., 2020 doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa225
.Carbon benefits from Forest Transitions promoting biomass expansions and thickening (PDF). Global Change Biology 26 (10): 1-6, 2020 Forest transition, Carbon sequestration
.The Big Data Mindset [external link]. Issues in Science and Technology 2020
.Final Report, First National Conference on Marine Environmental DNA (PDF). 2019
.Introducing the International Quiet Ocean Experiment [external link]. Pp. 6-9 in ECO - Environment, Coastal, Offshore 2019 Ocean Sound Special Issue
.The eDNA Revolution (PDF). Sea Technology vol. June 2019, 2019
.Microphysics and Macrohistory (PDF). Looking Back as we Move Forward: The Past, Present and Future of the History of Science 2019
.Why Should Mitochondria Define Species? (PDF). Human Evolution 33 (1-2): 1-30, 2018 Species evolution, mitocondrial evolution, speciation, human evolution
.GoFish: A versatile nested PCR strategy for environmental DNA assays for marine vertebrates [external link]. Plos One 2018
.The Potato and the Prius (PDF). 2018 Keynote address to the 2018 Potato Business Summit of the United Potato Growers of America, Orlando, FL, 10 January 2018.
.SuBastian and the Roboats (PDF). Pp. 28-31 in Final Report of the 2016 National Ocean Exploration Forum: Beyond the Ships 2020–2025, . 2017 (Slightly abridged version published in Sea Technology 58(1):7, January 2017.)
.Final Report of the 2016 National Ocean Exploration Forum: Beyond the Ships 2020–2025. (PDF). Pp. 34 pp in The Marine Science and Policy Series, Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University, and Monmouth University 2017
.The Shrinking Footprint of American Meat. The Breakthrough Journal 2017
.Aquatic environmental DNA detects seasonal fish abundance and habitat preference in an urban estuary [external link]. PLoS ONE 12 (4): 2017 e0175186.
.Density: Key to Fake and True News About Energy and Environment (PDF). 2017 Presented at a meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Next 100 Years of Global Energy Use: Resources, Impacts and Economics, Houston Convention Center, 4 April 2017. Published in AAPG’s Search and Discovery, as contribution #70272, 28 June 2017
.Fishing for DNA: Free-floating eDNA identifies presence and abundance of ocean life [external link]. The Conversation 2017
.Comparative LCA of concrete with natural and recycled coarse aggregate in the New York City area (PDF). Intl Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2017
.Jews in Time and Space (PDF). International Journal of Anthropology 31 (1-2): 93–109, 2016
.On the nature and significance of rarity in mineralogy (PDF). American Mineralogist vol. 101, 2016
.Using New Anthropological and Biological Tools to Learn about Leonardo Da Vinci. Human Evolution 31 (3): 125–131, 2016
.Bridging two scholarly islands enriches both: COI DNA barcodes for species identification versus human mitochondrial variation for the study of migrations and pathologies [external link]. Ecology and Evolution 6 (19): 6824–6835, 2016
.The Nature of the City (PDF). 2016 Presented at the workshop “Future Cities: Do Cities Have Limits?” University of Glasgow, 18 April 2016
.Ocean Past, Ocean Future: Reflections on the Shift from the 19th to 21st Century Ocean (PDF). Michelson Memorial Lecture, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, 15 October 2015
.Interbreeding among deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages in the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). [external link]. Pp. 8297 in Scientific Reports vol. 5, 2015
.Nature Rebounds (PDF). The Breakthrough Journal 5, 2015 This article was originally delivered as a Long Now Foundation Seminar, San Francisco, 13 January 2015 and appeared under the title "The Return of Nature: How Technology Liberates the Environment" in the Journal of the Breakthrough Institute Spring 2015.
.We must make nature worthless [external link]. RealClearScience Sept. 18, 2015
.Using the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct to Evaluate Green Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Computer Industry [external link]. Pp. 2787-2803 in Sustainability vol. 7, 2015 environmental performance; code of conduct; self-assessment questionnaire; green supply chain management; EICC Code
.Power Density and the Nuclear Opportunity (PDF). Pp. 11pp. in Program for the Human Environment 2015 Adapted from the keynote address to the Nuclear Power Council Electric Power Research Institute Atlanta, Georgia 3 September 2015
.La liberazione dell’ambiente (autobiography-Italian version) [external link]. Pp. 112 in Di Renzo Editore 2014
.DNA Barcoding Works in Practice but Not in (Neutral) Theory [external link]. Plos One 9 (7): e100755, 2014 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Peak Farmland and Potatoes (PDF). insert to Spudman 52 (8): November–December, 2014
.Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on the Seafloor Around Montserrat, West Indies. Oceanography 27 (1): 36–37, 2014
.Cars and Civilization (PDF). The Breakthrough Journal 2014 This article was originally delivered as part of the William and Myrtle Harris Lectureship in Science and Civilization, at the California Institute of Technology on 30 April 2014 and appeared under the title "The Need for Speed: Four Basic Instincts Have Determined Human Mobility" in the Journal of the Breakthrough Institute July 14, 2014.
.Living in a Material World. Issues in Science and Technology Winter (2014): 29–31, 2014
.Potential Implications for Future Energy Systems (PDF). Chapter 1 (pp. 10–26) in Frozen Heat: UNEP Global Outlook on Methane Gas Hydrates, Volume Two, . United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal, 2014
.La liberazione dell’ambiente (autobiography-English version) (PDF). Pp. 52 in Di Renzo Dialogues in Science 2014
.Quantitative Dynamics of Human Empires [Color Booklet Version, 52 pages] (PDF). Adapted from Marchetti and Ausubel, International Journal of Anthropology 27(1-2):1-62, 2012. 2013
.Ocean Exploration (PDF). Pp. 34–35 in The Report of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum, Aquarium of the Pacific and NOAA, Long Beach CA 2013
.Barcoding Life Highlights 2013. Barcoding Life Highlights, 2013 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.DNA Barcoding ready for breakout [external link]. GeneWatch 26 (5): 2013 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.TreeParser-Aided Klee Diagrams Display Taxonomic Clusters in DNA Barcode and Nuclear Gene Datasets [external link]. Nature Scientific Reports 3 (2635): 2013 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.DNA Barcoding Birds: From Field Collection to Data Analysis (PDF). Chapter 7 (pp. 127–152) in Methods in Molecular Biology (Methods and Protocols), . vol. 858, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2012 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Quantitative Dynamics of Human Empires (PDF). International Journal of Anthropology 27 (1-2): 1–62, 2012 Empires; territory; logistic growth; testosterone; progesterone
.Frequency Matrix Approach Demonstrates High Sequence Quality in Avian BARCODEs and Highlights Cryptic Pseudogenes [external link]. PLoS ONE 7 (8): e43992, 2012 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Peak Farmland and the Prospect for Land Sparing (PDF). Population and Development Review 38 (Supplement): 217–238, 2012
.Wealth from the Oceans: Use, Stewardship, and Security (PDF). Keynote address, 8th Annual Future of the Ocean Symposium, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, N.J., 26 October 2012
.A National and International Analysis of Changing Forest Density [external link]. PLoS ONE 6 (5): 2011 timber volume, forest density, carbon sequestration
.An International Quiet Ocean Experiment (PDF). Oceanography 24 (2): 174–181, 2011 doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.37
.Commercial Teas Highlight Plant DNA Barcode Identification Successes and Obstacles [external link]. Nature Scientific Reports 1:42 2011 BIOINFORMATICSEARTH AND ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCESPLANT SCIENCESBIODIVERSITYbarcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Project Description: DNA Barcodes of Bird Species in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA [external link]. Pp. 87–91 in ZooKeys vol. 152, 2011 Barcode, Birds, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Appanoose To Connecticut (PDF). Pp. 1–64 in Self Published Memoir 2011
.Barcoding Life Highlights 2011 (PDF). Barcoding Life Highlights, 2011 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Self-sinking capsules to investigate Earth’s interior and dispose of radioactive waste (PDF). Seminar Presentation 26 July 2011, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Program of Study in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. 2011
.Rethinking the inedible. Martha's Vineyard Gazette 2010 Fisheries, marine life, food
.Easy to forget, and so hard to remember (PDF). 2010 Self-published memoirs of Arthur L. Singer, Jr. memoirs
.Making marine life count: A new baseline for policy [external link]. PLoS Biology 8 (10): 2010 Census Marine Life
.DNA barcoding of Scandanavian birds reveals divergent lineages in trans-Atlantic species (PDF). J Ornithol 151 (3): 565–578, 2010 Birds, barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Structural analysis of biodiversity [external link]. PLoS ONE 5 (2): e9266, 2010 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Molecular species identification of Central European ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) using nuclear rDNA expansion segments and DNA barcodes [external link]. Front Zool 7 (26): 2010 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.A census of ocean life: On the difficulty and joy of seeing what Is near and far (PDF). SGI Quarterly vol. April, 2010 Census of marine life
.Generations of methane (PDF) [external link]. EPRI J vol. Summer, 2010 methane, hydrogen
.First Census of Marine Life 2010: Highlights of a Decade of Discovery (PDF) [external link]. CoML 2010
.A botanical macroscope [external link]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (31): 12569–12570, 2009 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding, taxonomy, biodiversity, Horizontal Genomics, species
.A global snapshot of avian tissue collections: state of the enterprise (PDF). Auk 126 (3): 684–687, 2009 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding, taxonomy, biodiversity
.A scalable method for analysis and display of DNA sequences [external link]. PLoS ONE 4 (10): e7051, 2009 DNA Barcoding, Klee diagram
.Natural gas and the jack rabbit (PDF). Representative American Speeches 2008-2009 - The Reference Shelf, . 81 (6): 2009 Natural gas
.Broadening the scope of global change to include illumination and noise [external link]. Seed Magazine 2009
.On the Limits to Knowledge of Future Marine Biodiversity (PDF). Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 1 (2): 19–23, 2008 Biodiversity, marine life, fisheries, ocean
.Future knowledge of life in oceans past (PDF). Pp. xix–xxvi in Oceans Past: Management Insights from the History of Marine Animal Populations, . London: Earthscan, 2008 Biodiversity, marine life, fisheries, ocean
.Dematerialization: variety, caution, and persistence [external link]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 (35): 12774–12779, 2008 10.1073/pnas.0806099105 D Dematerialization, Consumption, carbon, cropland, energy, fertilizer, impact
.Barcode of life (PDF). Pp. 82–88 in Sci Am vol. 299, 2008 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.High school students track down fish fraud (PDF). Pp. 34 in Pacific Fishing September, 2008 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Comprehensive DNA barcode coverage of North American birds [external link]. Pp. 535–543 in Mol Ecol Notes vol. 7, 2007
.Renewable and nuclear heresies (PDF). Int J Nucl Governance, Econ Ecol 1 (3): 229–243, 2007 nuclear, renewable, decarbonization, electricity, environmental impact, energy, nuclear power
.Quandaries of forest area, volume, biomass, and carbon explored with the forest identity [external link]. Pp. 13 pp in Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 1011 2007 Forest, tree volume, carbon sequestration, allometry
.The future environment for the energy business (PDF). Pp. 487–495 in APPEA Journal vol. Part 2, 2007 energy, energy business, decarbonization, ZEPPs, green strategy, carbon dioxide hydrogen, co2
.Earth at night – if the rest of the world lived like America (PDF). Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 1 (1): 2007 energy, electric power
.Barcoding Indo-Malayan birds (PDF). Pp. 397–398 in Raffles Bull Zool vol. 55, 2007 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding, birds
.Global Warming and the Industrial System (PDF). Pp. 11pp in International relations and security network (ISN) Energy and the Environment Series 2007
.Returning forests analyzed with forest identity [external link]. Pp. 17574–17579 in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 103, 2006 10.1073/pnas.0608343103 Forest, tree volume, carbon sequestration, forest identity, allometry
.Foresters and DNA (PDF). Pp. 13–31 in Chapter 2 in Landscapes, Genomics and Transgenic Forests pp. 2006 CG Williams (ed), Published by Kluwer, Dordrecht Forests, innovation, DNA
.Industrial ecology for leverage to let loose less cadmium (PDF). Prog Ind Ecol 3 (6): 522–537, 2006 Industrial ecology, cd, cadmium, zn, zinc, recycling, materials flow analysis, ImPACT identity
.Balancing the life cycle impacts of notebook computers: Taiwan’s experience (PDF). Pp. 13-25 in Resources, Conservation and Recycling 48, 2006
.Barcoding Life, Illustrated: Goals, rationale, results (PDF). Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) 2005 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Big green energy machines (PDF). The Industrial Physicist 10 (5): 20–24, 2004 Energy, electric power, zepp, zero emissions power plant, carbon dioxide, co2, liquid hydrogen
.Identification of birds through DNA barcodes [external link]. PLoS Biology 2 (10): 312, 2004 DNA Barcoding, biodiversity, taxonomy, species
.Will the Rest of the World Live Like America? (PDF). Technology in Society 26 (2004): 343–360, 2004 Zipf, golden ratio, inequality, sustainable development
.Barcoding Life: Ten Reasons (PDF). Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) 2004 Brochure barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding
.Inaugural speech, South American workshop on Marine biodiversity for the census of marine life (PDF). Gayana 67 (2): 143–144, 2003 Biodiversity, marine life, fisheries, ocean
.Taxonomy, DNA, and the bar code of life (PDF). BioScience 53 (9): 2–3, 2003 barcode, dna barcode, barcoding, dna barcoding, biodiversity, taxonomy, species
.Science, Conquering Child of the Church (PDF). 2003 Draft prepared for Next 1000 Years meeting, 9-10 October 2003
.The Next 1000 Years (PDF). 2003 Discussion paper for April 2003 Rockefeller U workshop
.Modeling materials flow of waste concrete from construction and demolition wastes in Taiwan (PDF). Resources Policy 28 (2002): 39-47, 2003 Material flows; Construction and demolition waste; Waste concrete; Recycling; Dynamic modeling
.On Sparing Farmland and Spreading Forest Pp. 127–138 in Forestry at the Great Divide: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 2001 Convention, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda MD, . 2002 land use, intensive agriculture, precision forestry
.Mastering science: Graduate schools invigorate the MS in science and math (PDF). Change, The Magazine of Higher Learning, 2002 Higher Education
.A Framework for Sustainability Science: A Renovated IPAT Identity (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 99 (12): 7860–7865, 2002 environmental Impact identity, population, affluence, impact identity
.Maglevs and the Vision of St. Hubert (PDF). Pp. 175–182 in Challenges of a Changing Earth, . Heidelberg: Springer, 2002 (Proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-13 July 2001) maglev, St. Hubert, great restorations, farmlands, sea, forests, transportation
.DRAMs as model organisms for study of technological evolution (PDF). Technological Forecasting and Social Change 69 (3): 243–262, 2002 Technological substitution; Learning curves
.The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36, 2001 Fisheries, marine life
.Some Ways to Lessen Worries about Climate Change (PDF). The Electricity Journal 14 (1): 24–33, 2001 Climate, energy, electric power, zepps, ser emission plants
.The Evolution of Transport (PDF). The Industrial Physicist 7 (2): 20–24, 2001 maglev, energy, transportation
.How Much Will Feeding More and Wealthier People Encroach on Forests? (PDF). Population and Development Review 27 (2): 239–257, 2001 Forests, land use, agriculture
.Death and the Human Environment: The United States in the 20th Century (PDF). Technology in Society 23 (2): 131–146, 2001 Mortality, epidemiological transition, morbidity
.Nitrogen on the Land: Overcoming the Worries – lifting fertilizer efficiency and preserving land for nonfarming uses Pollution Prevention Review 11 (3): 77–82, 2001 agriculture, nitrogen fertilizer, land use
.The Census of Marine Life and the Role of Aquariums Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco 20 (1): 67, 2001 Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, no spécial 20, fascicule 1 Census of Marine Life, aquarium
.Scientists, War, Diplomacy, Europe George C. Marshall Institute News 3 (4): 2001
.Where is Energy Going? (PDF). The Industrial Physicist 6 (1): 16–19, 2000 The essay had appeared in Italian in the special millennial edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999; also in Italian as Benvenuti nel millennio nuclear, pp.163-168 in Duemila: Verso una societa aperta, M. Moussanet, ed., Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2000. Energy, natural gas, nuclear, climate, emissions, carbon dioxide, co2, decarbonization
.Restoring the Forests Foreign Affairs 79 (6): 127–144, 2000 Forests, land use, agriculture
.The Great Reversal: Nature’s Chance to Restore Land and Sea Pp. 289–302 in Technology in Society vol. 22, 2000 Forests, land use, agriculture, fisheries, oceans
.Resources are Elastic Pp. 46–47 in Earth Matters 2000 a magazine published by the Earth Institute at Columbia University, Winter 1999/2000. This issue contains many of the speeches that were presented at the "State of The Planet" conference held at Columbia in the Fall of 1999. natural resources
.The Forester’s Lever: Industrial Ecology and Wood Products Journal of Forestry 98 (10): 8–14, 2000 Forests, land use, agriculture, wood products, forestry
.Toward a Census of Marine Life (PDF). Oceanography 12 (3): 4–5, 1999 marine biodiversity
.Because the Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must Pp. 14–18 in Production Efficiencies: The Engineers' Report, American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, D.C. 1999 Republished in: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic SYSTEMS 14(10):3-6, October 1999. The paper is based on a talk Jesse gave at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings in New York in April 1999. Human behavior, decarbonization, agricultural land use
.Dis the Threat Industry Technological Forecasting and Society Change 62 (2): 119–120, 1999 threat
.Nitrogen fertilizer: Retrospect and prospect (PDF). Pp. 1175–1180 in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 96, 1999 agriculture, fertilizer, nitrogen, industrial ecology, population
.A primer on logistic growth and substitution: The mathematics of the Loglet Lab software (PDF). Technological Forecasting and Social Change 61 (3): 247–271, 1999 Logistic curve model
.Loglet Lab for Windows (version 1.1) Tutorial (PDF). Technological Forecasting and Social Change 61 (3): 273–295, 1999 Logistic curve model
.Carrying Capacity: A Model with Logistically Varying Limits (PDF). Technological Forecasting and Social Change 61 (3): 209–214, 1999 Carrying Capacity, Growth Models, Logistic Model
.Five Worthy Ways to Spend Large Amounts of Money for Research on Environment and Resources The Bridge 29 (3): 4–16, 1999 Research, funding, zepp, wood products, natural gas
.National Material Metrics for Industrial Ecology (PDF). Pp. 157-174 in Measures of Environmental Performance and Ecosystem Condition, . Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999 This paper was originally published in the journal Resources Policy Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 189-198 (1995), Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, England. dematerialization, material substitution, materials, life cycle, metrics, environmental performance measures
.Resource recovery from used rubber tires (PDF). Resources Policy 25 (199): 179-188, 1999 Scrap tires; Tire derived fuel; Recycling; Life cycle accounting
.Toward Green Mobility: The Evolution of Transport European Review 6 (2): 143–162, 1998 maglev, transportation, energy, logistic substitution, time budgets
.Reasons to Worry About the Human Environment Journal of the Cosmos Club of Washington D.C 8 (1): 12, 1998 Republished in Technology in Society 21:217-231, 1999. climate and biodiversity, behavioral poisons, libido, depopulation, falling work, rejection of science, twilight of the west
.The Environment for Future Business Pollution Prevention Review 8 (1): 39–52, 1998 This article has been republished in the journal Environmental Regulation and Permitting 9(2):251-62, 1999. business, efficiency, energy, decarbonization, agricultural yields, water use, material flows
.Resources and Environment in the 21st Century: Seeing Past the Phantoms Pp. 8–16 in World Energy Council Journal July, 1998 natural resources, land use, population, gdp, energy
.International Conflicts over Environment: Scientist’s Roles and Opportunities Pp. 253–258 in Scientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International Discord, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences", . vol. 866, 1998 scientists, conflict, international
.Industrial Ecology: A Coming of Age Story Pp. 14 in Resources vol. 130, 1998 Published by Resources for the Future, Washington, DC Industrial Ecology, Consumption
.The Census of the Fishes: Concept Paper, January 1997
.Elektron: Electrical Systems in Retrospect and Prospect Pp. 110–134 in Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment, . Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1997 Also appeared in Daedalus 125(3):139-169, Summer 1996. energy, electric power
.Environmental trends (PDF). Issues in Science and Technology 13 (2): 78–81, 1997 energy, agriculture, water, materials, population
.Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment [external link]. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1997 Also appeared as special issue, "The Liberation of the Environment,"Daedalus 125(3):1-17, 1996. energy, agriculture, water, materials, population, technology innovation, diffusion, land use, carbon, dematerialization, natural resources
.The Liberation of the Environment (PDF). Pp. 1-13 in Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment, . Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1997 An earlier version was published by The Collegium Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, A krnyezet felszabadtasa (The Liberation of the Environment, in Hungarian) Magyar Tudomany CII(2):164-171, 1995. Also appeared in Portuguese, A Liberacao do Meio Ambiente, Tecbahia 12(2):29-41, 1997 energy, agriculture, water, materials, population, technology innovation, diffusion, land use, carbon, dematerialization, natural resources
.Simulating the Academy: Toward Understanding Colleges and Universities as Dynamic Systems Pp. 107–120 in What Higher Education is Doing Right, W.F. Massy and J.W. Meyerson, eds., Princeton University 1997 120 Higher Education, Dynamic Systems
.Industrial Ecology: Some Directions for Research With the Vishnu Group, The Rockefeller University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1997 Industrial ecology, dematerialization, material substitution, economics, zero emission, materials, life cycle, recycling
.Searching for Leverage to Conserve Forests: The Industrial Ecology of Wood Products in the United States Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 (3): 125–145, 1997 agriculture, forest land, forest management, forestry, forests, industrial ecology, intensity of use, land use, material efficiency, timer removals, wood products
.The Virtual Ecology of Industry Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 (1): 10–11, 1997 Industrial ecology
.Materialization and Dematerialization: Measures and Trends (PDF). Pp. 135-156 in Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment, . National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997 dematerialization, material substitution, materials, life cycle
.Productivity, Electricity, Science: Powering a Green Future (PDF). The Electricity Journal 9 (3): 54–60, 1996 energy, electric power
.Better risk information for communities (PDF). Risk Analysis 16 (5): 601–603, 1996 risk, public health
.Can Technology Spare the Earth? Am Sci 84 (2): 166–178, 1996 Republished in Current Perspectives in Geology, Fourth Edition, Michael McKinney, Robert L. Tolliver, Parri Shariff, eds., Wadsworth, Boston, MA, 1998. Industrial ecology, dematerialization, material substitution, economics, zero emission, materials, life cycle, decarbonization
.Malthus And Graduate Students: Checks On Burgeoning Ranks Of Ph.D.’s The Scientist 10 (3): 11, 1996 Higher Education
.Consuming materials: the American way (PDF). Pp. 111–122 in Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 53, 1996 dematerialization, material substitution, materials, life cycle, recycling
.Human Population Dynamics Revisited with the Logistic Model: How Much Can Be Modeled and Predicted? Pp. 1–30 in Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 53, 1996 Logistic curve model, population
.Lightening the Tread of Population on the Land: American Examples (PDF). Population and Development Review 22 (3): 531-45, 1996 population, land use, forestry, agriculture
.Technical Progress and Climatic Change Energy Policy 23 (4/5): 411–416, 1995 Also pp. 501-512 in Integrated Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, N Nakicenovic, WD Nordhaus, R Richels, and FL Toth (eds), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1994. climate, energy, natural gas, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2
.The Environment Since 1970 Consequences: The Nature and Implications of Environmental Change 1 (3): 2–15, 1995 energy, agriculture, water, materials, population, technology innovation, diffusion, land use, carbon, dematerialization, natural resources, environmental
.Community Risk Profiles: A Tool to Improve Environment and Community Health 1995 Published by the Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY risk, public health, community
.National Materials Flows and the Environment (PDF). Pp. 463–492 in Annual Review of Energy and the Environment vol. 20, 1995 Republished in Measures of Environmental Performance and Ecosystem Condition, P. Schulze (ed.), National Academy, Washington, D.C., 1999, pp. 157-174. dematerialization, material substitution, materials, life cycle, metrics, recycling
.Ways to cut vineyard traffic and taxes (PDF). Vineyard Gazette vol. 15, 1995 transportation
.Science international: a US view of its institutional needs (PDF). Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 20 (2): 104–109, 1995 Republished in The Scientist 8(3):11-14, 1994. Republished in Technology in Society 19(1):25-31, 1997. Scientific cooperation
.Working Less and Living Longer: Long-Term Trends in Working Time and Time Budgets Pp. 113–131 in Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 50, 1995 Labor, longevity, population
.How Much Land Can Ten Billion People Spare for Nature? (PDF) [external link]. Task Force Report #121, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, Ames IA 1994 agriculture, forestry, land use, fertilizer
.Directions for environmental technologies (PDF). Technology in Society 16 (2): 139–154, 1994 Also in Impresa Ambiente 4:8-16, 1994 (in Italian). environmental technologies, decarbonization, carbon dioxide, co2
.Dematerialization and secondary materials recovery in the U.S. (PDF). Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society 46 (4): 39–42, 1994 dematerialization, material substitution, materials, life cycle, recycling
.Bi-Logistic Growth Pp. 89–102 in Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 47, 1994 Logistic curve model
.Graphical representation of the world population growth (PDF). Human Dimensions Quarterly 1 (2): 17–19, 1994 population, logistic curve model
.Cutting the volume of traffic on island (PDF). Pp. 15 in Vineyard Gazette 1994 transportation
.Rails and snails and the debate over goals for science (PDF). Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel 1994 Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem Scientific cooperation
.Mitigation and Adaptation for Climate Change: Answers and Questions The Bridge 23 (3): 15–30, 1993 Also pp. 557-584 in Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, Y. Kaya, N. Nakicenovic, W.D. Nordhaus, and F.L. Toth, eds., International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1993. climate, energy, carbon dioxide, decarbonization
.2020 vision (PDF). The Sciences 33 (6): 14–19, 1993 also Published in Science and Technology for Eight Billion People, Europe's Responsibility, P.H Mettler, ed., New Europe Publications, London, pp. 307-319, 1995. population, land use, forestry, agriculture
.The Organizational Ecology of Science Advice in America (PDF). European Review 1 (3): 249–261, 1993 Scientific cooperation
.Flat organizations for earth science (PDF). Bull Am Meteorol Soc 74 (5): 809–814, 1993 Scientific cooperation
.Facing toward governments: Non governmental organizations and scientific and technical advice (PDF) [external link]. Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government 1993 Scientific cooperation, science advice
.Science And The Presidency: 1993 [external link]. Pp. 12 in The Scientist 1993 Commentary in October 26, 1992 issue
.Chernobyl After Perestroika: Reflections on a Recent Visit Pp. 187–198 in Technology in Society vol. 14, 1992 nuclear power, soviet union
.Verification of International Environmental Agreements Pp. 1–43 in Annual Review of Energy and the Environment vol. 17, 1992 environmental law, monitoring, compliance, regime
.Industrial ecology: Reflections on a colloquium [external link]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 89 (3): 879–884, 1992 Industrial ecology
.International environmental research and assessment: Proposals for better organization and decision making [external link]. Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government 1992 Scientific cooperation, science advice
.Intellectual Migrations and Global Universities. Pp. pp. 147–160 in In Strategies for Support of Scientific Research: Problems of the Transition Period, W.A. Blanpied & S. Sperlagh (eds), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1992
.Social and institutional barriers to reducing CO2 emissions (PDF). Pp. 513-533 in Limiting the Greenhouse Effect, G Pearman (ed), Wiley, Chichester 1992
.A Second Look at the Impacts of Climate Change (PDF). Pp. 210–221 in American Scientist vol. 79, 1991 climate, energy, natural gas, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2
.Does Climate Still Matter? Pp. 649–652 in Nature vol. 350, 1991 innovations, technology, climate adaptation, climate impact, climatic shifts, population, consumption, agriculture
.Political fallout: What fate awaits Chernobyl in the new world order? (PDF). Pp. 16–21 in The Sciences vol. 81, 1991 nuclear power, soviet union
.Energy and Environment: The Light Path Pp. 181–188 in Energy Systems and Policy vol. 15, 1991 Energy, natural gas, nuclear, climate, emissions, carbon dioxide, co2, decarbonization, dematerialization, hydrogen
.Rat Race Dynamics and Crazy Companies: The Diffusion of Technologies and Social Behavior (PDF). Pp. 11–22 in Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 39, 1991 technology diffusion
.Hydrogen and the Green Wave (PDF). The Bridge 20 (1): 17–22, 1990
.Technology and environment [external link]. National Academy, Washington DC 1989 energy, agriculture, water, materials, population, technology innovation, diffusion, land use, decarbonization, dematerialization, natural resources
.Technology and environment: An overview (PDF). Pp. 1-21 in JH Ausubel and HE Sladovich (eds.), Technology and Environment, National Academy, Washington DC 1989 energy, agriculture, water, materials, population, technology innovation, diffusion, land use, decarbonization, dematerialization, natural resources
.Regularities in technological development: An environmental view [external link]. Pp 70-91 in J.H. Ausubel and H.E. Sladovich, eds.Technology and Environment, National Academy, Washington DC 1989 technology diffusion, logistic model curve
.Dematerialization (PDF). Pp 50-69 in J.H. Ausubel and H.E. Sladovich, eds., Technology and Environment, National Academy, Washington DC 1989 Also in Technological Forecasting and Social Change 37(4):333-348, 1990. dematerialization, material substitution, materials, life cycle, metrics, recycling
.Carbon Dioxide Emissions in a Methane Economy (PDF). Pp. 245–263 in Climatic Change vol. 12, 1988 Energy, electric power, natural gas, carbon dioxide, co2, hydrogen
.Cities and Their Vital Systems: Infrastructure, Past, Present, and Future (PDF). National Academy, Washington, D.C 1988 cities, infrastructure, urban real estate, transportation, traffic congestion, communications, water supply, distribution, wastewater
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.Current trends and environmental research needs. (PDF). Pp. 221-231 in Interdisciplinary Science Reviews vol. 13, 1988 doi: 10.1179/isr.1988.13.3.211
.Future uses of fossil fuels: A global view of related emissions and depositions (PDF). Pp. 1-15 in Organic Geochemistry vol. 10, 1986 energy uses, fossil fuels, environment, emission, deposition, sulphur, nitrogen
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.A review of estimates of future carbon dioxide emissions in Changing climate: Report of the carbon dioxide assessment committee [external link]. National Academy Press, Washington DC 1983 climate, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2
.A Framework for Scenario Generation for CO2 Gaming (PDF). Simulation and Games 14 (3): 317-343, 1983 Also IIASA Working Paper 81-107, 1981.
.Estimating the future input of fossil fuel CO2 into the atmosphere by simulation gaming [external link]. Pp. 29 in IIASA Working Paper vol. WP-81-107, 1981 climate, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2
.A framework for scenario generation for CO2 gaming [external link]. Pp. 49 in IIASA Working Paper vol. WP-81-034, 1981 climate, energy, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2
.CO2: an introduction and possible board games (PDF). Pp. 34 in IIASA Working Paper vol. WP-80-153, 1980 climate, energy, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2, games
.Carbon and climate gaming [external link]. Pp. 19 in IIASA Working Paper vol. WP-80-152, 1980 climate, energy, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2, games
.Climatic change and the carbon wealth of nations [external link]. Pp. 54pp in IIASA Working Paper 80-075 1980 Climate
.Executive Summary and Synthesis chapter in Changing climate: Report of the carbon dioxide assessment committee (PDF). National Academy Press, Washington D.C 1983
.A note on the population 50 years hence [external link]. IIASA Working Paper 81-120. Published also as How many will survive the next fifty years? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 2(1)118–119, 1982. doi: 10.2307/3323656. population, logistic curve
.Climatic constraints and human activities: Introduction and overview [external link]. IIASA Working Paper 80-091. Ps. 1-12 in Climatic Constraints and Human Activities, JH Ausubel and AK Biswas (eds.), Pergamon, Oxford, 1980. Climate
.Economics in the air: an introduction to economic issues of the atmosphere and climate [external link]. IIASA Working Paper 80-092. Published as pp. 13-59 in Climatic Constraints and Human Activities, JH Ausubel and AK Biswas (eds.), Pergamon, Oxford, 1980 Climate, economy, energy, decarbonization, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, co2