Video of Jesse’s Nierenberg Prize lecture on “Peak Human?”

In this 54″ video made 13 October, 2022 Jesse Ausubel, awarded the 2022 Nierenberg Prize for Science in the Public Interest, discusses whether the human species can continue to improve—much…

COML Reuters Story

…meeting at laboratories this week as part of an ambitious $1 billion international attempt to record all life in the world’s oceans, officials said Wednesday. The International Census of Marine…

An article in Investor’s Business Daily

…storms and rampant tropical diseases reveal, once again, the brainless-human theory at work. This has long been a problem with the Jeremiahs of the environmental movement. They predict utter ruin…

Jesse awarded an honorary doctorate

…reported on Jesse’s address (p. F5) Oceans speak volumes. Sound spreads widely in the world’s oceans, and the clamour of human activity reaches every cove, says Jesse Ausubel, director of…

St. Andrews

…the English-speaking world. As part of the ceremonies, Ausubel delivered a 600th Anniversary Lecture, Every Fish in the Sea: Findings of the First Census of Marine Life. For over three…

Community Risk Profiles: Appendices

…Management at Resources for the Future (RFF). He was formerly Senior Fellow at the World Wildlife Fund and Executive Director of the National Commission on the Environment. Prior to that,…

Illinois Crop

The New York Times reported 8 December that USA corn yields have risen 31% since 1995. Despite the drought in Illinois in the summer of 2005, that State produced a…