Life in submarine canyons

…East Coast of the USA, click on Washington Canyon (6 Sept) and on Norfolk Canyon (7 Sept). Thanks to Roland Brian, Arthur Howard, and Jared Drewniak for great videography and…

The Virtual Ecology of Industry

JH Ausubel. Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 (1): 10–11 1997

…colonies. Jet pilots and nuclear power plant operators train on video displays before their hands wield the actual controls. Numerical models form the basis of all these simulations. What are…

2020 declared Year of Quiet Ocean – News from International Quiet Ocean Experiment

…to find out The National News, United Arab Emirates Oceans silenced by Covid to reveal impact of human activity on marine life COSMOS Magazine, Australia Year of the…

CoML Baseline Report and a Lyd og Video

…a film from CoML’s June 2003 MIR submersible dives to the mid-Atlantic Ridge, as part of the prime time program ‘Schoedinger’s Cat’. The short Lyd og Video captures the 4,500…

Vote for Encyclopedia of Life Video

The short video about the Encyclopedia of Life has been nominated for a Webby Prize. Please considering voting for it!…

Ocean Champion symposium video posted

The video of the 2-hour 26 October 2012 Symposium on Wealth of the Oceans at Monmouth University has been posted, as well as the 13-minute luncheon award ceremony when Jesse…

Long Now video

Jesse Ausubel’s Nature Rebounds January 2015 seminar for the Long Now Foundation is now available as: Full-length Video on Long Now Public Website. Also on YouTube. The audio podcast is…