COML Reuters Story

…meeting at laboratories this week as part of an ambitious $1 billion international attempt to record all life in the world’s oceans, officials said Wednesday. The International Census of Marine…

An article in Investor’s Business Daily

…storms and rampant tropical diseases reveal, once again, the brainless-human theory at work. This has long been a problem with the Jeremiahs of the environmental movement. They predict utter ruin…

Forests, Farms, and Materials

The PHE studies changes in land use and examines trends, scales, and linkages relating to resource consumption within and across national economies to expose opportunities to improve the quality of…

National Cockroach Project (NCP)

…spirit of the project and results so far. The LiveScience post was picked up by NBC News, Yahoo News, and Discovery websites. Results so far show four distinct genetic types…


The Census of Marine Life (CoML) has partnered with the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) to produce a pair of videos, a press release, and a website…


…the Roboats. International Quiet Ocean Experiment. The IQOE aims to complete a large-scale international effort to measure soundscapes of the world’s oceans and better understand potential biological effects of sound…

Visions of the 21st Century

…Make Garbage Disappear? Through the magic of recycling and modern alchemy, we will move swiftly toward a world without waste by IVAN AMATO Whoever said “waste not, want not” hasn’t…

Natural Restoration Promised if Humans Embrace Technology

…under way,” he told delegates at the Global Change Open Science Conference, organized by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. The IGBP comes under the auspices of the International Council for Science…