NAP books from 1983 (Thanks, Google).

…Committee, National Research Council, Washington DC , 1983. Toward an International Geosphere-Biosphere Program: A Study of Global Change, National Research Council, Washington DC , 1983. “Changing Climate” was the first…

Recognizing Terry Collins and Dale Langford

…of Jesse’s since the 1985 National Academy of Engineering Program Report. Dale edited many reports and books of the National Academies, many papers and reports of the Program for the

Nordhaus Nobel

…of Carbon Dioxide, and others that followed (see photo below). Jesse served as a research assistant to Bill during the 1981-1983 Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee of the National Academy of…

PNAS Dematerialization

…with less harm to the environment has long moderated human impact. Does recent experience justify hope for sustaining this beneficial dematerialization, especially the decarbonization of national and global carbon emission?…

Dinochelus ausubeli

Shane T. Ahyong (Australian Museum), Tin-Yam Chan (National Taiwan Ocean University), and Philippe Bouchet (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris) have honored Jesse by naming a magnificent newly discovered lobster the

Census of Marine Life in the news

The deep sea projects of the Census of Marine Life make news with their discoveries, as for example covered by AP’s Cain Burdeau in a 22 November 2009 story “Thousands…