passing of Rodney Nichols

…the Program for the Human Environment for more than 25 years. Numerous interests, programs, and organizations united us, including scientific cooperation between nations in conflict and The Rockefeller University itself….

Paul Gaffney article on Ocean Observations

…and the other articles relate strongly to our interests in ocean exploration (e.g., the 2016 National Ocean Exploration Forum), The International Quiet Ocean Experiment, and more generally human progress in…

Mt paper supports Darwinian evolution

…origin over several billion years. The study follows mainstream views of human evolution. We do not propose there was a single “Adam” or “Eve”. We do not propose any catastrophic…


Our address: Nurses Residence The Program for the Human Environment The Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave. (at 66th St.) New York, NY, 10065-6399 Phone: 212-327-7917 Fax: 212-327-7519 Email:…

Energy and Climate

…trajectory, combined with cultural change, can avert many environmental dangers.   Science has effectively alarmed many people about the chances human activities are harming Earth’s climate. More importantly, science and engineering…


…oceans knowable to humans beyond what a sailor’s five senses could directly provide. By infiltrating the ocean with informationally connected sensors, humans are becoming the top experts on the oceans…

Toward a Census of Marine Life

JH Ausubel. Oceanography 12 (3): 4–5 1999

…Mary Schumacher report on a lively workshop that explored the chances to build a history of marine animal populations since human predation became important, about 500 years ago. Combining historical…

International Conflicts over Environment: Scientist’s Roles and Opportunities

JH Ausubel. Scientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International Discord, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 866: 253–258 1998

…expand and ease my task. After all, humans are territorial animals, and probably the historical majority of conflicts have occurred over land. I will set aside land quarrels, though they…

Malthus And Graduate Students: Checks On Burgeoning Ranks Of Ph.D.’s

JH Ausubel. The Scientist 10 (3): 11 1996

…unburden faculty, more in the humanities and social sciences, in undergraduate teaching and evaluation. Expanding graduate enrollments and postdocs costs less than hiring new faculty. Moreover, faculty-especially young faculty-competing for…

Technical Progress and Climatic Change

JH Ausubel. Energy Policy 23 (4/5): 411–416 1995 Also pp. 501-512 in Integrated Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, N Nakicenovic, WD Nordhaus, R Richels, and FL Toth (eds), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1994.

…number of scientific and technological discoveries, 1400- 1900. Source of data: L. Darmstaedter, 1908. Fear that humanity was running out of inventions partly motivated Darmstaedter’s history. Scientists and engineers themselves…