Barcoding Life, Illustrated

Mark Stoeckle, Paul Waggoner, and Jesse have prepared “Barcoding Life, Illustrated”, a brief brochure on the goals, rationale, and early results of this new technology for species identification and biodiversity…

Seasons USA theatre release schedule

Distributor Music Box Films has posted the release schedule in USA theatres of the new Jacques Perrin documentary film about forests and forest fauna, The Seasons. Here is a photo…

Barcoding of Life Conference a success!

Barcoding of Life Conference at London Natural History Museum February 7-9, 2005 was a major scientific and organizational event. Important new discovery of an effective barcode for higher plants announced,…

Paul McCartney writes song for CoML Film

Beatle Paul McCartney’s blog confirms he is writing a song for the Jacques Perrin’s Ocean film made in cooperation with the Census of Marine Life….

Kiefer BioFuels Report

Biofuels attract lots of money and political support in the USA, but they have lots of environmental and economic shortcomings. Captain Todd A. “Ike” Kiefer has written a comprehensive, penetrating…

Shirshov lecture on eDNA

The slides from Jesse Ausubel’s lecture on Marine biodiversity revealed by extracellular DNA in seawater are posted at the site of the conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Russia’s Shirshov…

Lindbergh Conference

We post a photo of a Eurasian Eagle Owl, Bubo bubo, participating in the 2004 Lindbergh conference on mobility. Jesse felt the owl, who did not use Powerpoint but did…