Joshua Lederberg

Great scientist and friend Joshua Lederberg passed away 2 February 2008. Josh recruited Jesse to The Rockefeller University in 1984, promoted him in 1989, and supported the formation of the

Stasera leggiamo

The Italian website “Stasera leggiamo” (This evening let’s read) runs a favorable review of Jesse’s autobiography, “La liberazione dell’ ambiente”…

Jesse Ausubel to receive 2022 Nierenberg Prize

Jesse Ausubel will be honored with the 2022 Nierenberg Prize for Science in the Public Interest. This award is presented annually by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego…

Our simulation game of

Our simulation game of the US university, Virtual U, is one of ten finalists for best game of the year 2000 at the upcoming Independent Games Festival! Can we outsmart…

Guardian newspaper feature on Quiet Ocean Experiment

Science and environment report Alice Hutton has written an exceptionally lively and informative article for the UK Guardian newspaper about the International Quiet Ocean Experiment, a program on which we…

An adaptation of Jesse’s

An adaptation of Jesse’s keynote address to the fall 2000 Business Roundtable’s National Summit on Technology and Climate Change appears in the January-February issue of The Electricity Journal….

Breakthrough publishes Cars & Civilization

The Breakthrough Institute has posted Jesse Ausubel’s lecture “Cars and Civilization” in a linear, scrollable layout. This version may be easier to read on some devices, though less attractive to…

Perrin Meyer & Meyer Sound at Burning Man

PHE’s acoustic wizard, Perrin Meyer, and Meyer Sound created a scientific experience at ?#?BurningMan2015?. Bay Area artist Jon Sarriugarte and sound designer Kyrsten Mate created a rocket launch experience “Project…