National Ocean Exploration Forum

…… Strange purple sea creatures found in deep ocean trenches BBC News–Oct 20, 2016 500 ‘Champagne’ Methane Seeps Discovered Off Pacific Coast Live Science–Oct 20, 2016 Methane leak along the

DNA Barcode In New York Times

Today’s New York Times Science Times section has an article A Species in a Second: Promise of DNA ‘Bar Codes’ with a good history of the DNA Barcode project and

# of Species

…paper on biodiversity. The paper attracted more than 1000 news stories around the world in more than 20 languages and 50 countries. Congratulations to Camilo and Company for having made…

Godfather – The Scientist

…modeler closed his eyes for a moment and then began to speak. “Convinced that science and technology, if wisely directed, can benefit all mankind, believing that international cooperation between national

New York Times “dot earth” Poppies

New York Times environment reporter Andrew Revkin has launched a new “dot earth” blot with an entry about population that draws on the work of the Program for the Human…

Related Links

DNA Barcoding: Bulletin of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) program at the University of Guelph A useful newsletter that shares information on DNA barcoding initiatives, terrestrial and marine, animal,…