Passing of Arthur Singer

Our great friend of many years, Arthur L. Singer, passed away 25 December 2019. The New York Times published an accurate, informative obituary. Art’s own memoir is posted here. We…

Electricity Daily coverage

In its 21 February edition The Electricity Daily covered Jesse’s Capitol Hill talk about climate:…

Telescopes and DNA Barcodes

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Banbury Conference Center hosted the pair of meetings in 2003 that gave birth to the DNA barcoding movement. Jesse opened the Banbury meeting 28 October 2007…

Andrew Johnson departs

Research Intern Andrew Johnson moved to Washington, D.C. to join the State Department. He can still be reached through the Program for the Human Environment.

Future Knowledge of Life in Oceans

We post “Future Knowledge of Life in Oceans Past”, the published version of Jesse’s opening speech to the October 2005 Census of Marine Life conference on Oceans Past (see What’s…