An article in Investor’s Business Daily

the same gloomy future for oil. New Malthusians such as biologist Paul Ehrlich said population growth would soon lead to worldwide chaos. They all misread the signs, for much the

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

…Preface, p. 6 of the prior link. New Antarctic atlas offers index of marine life BBC News – ‎‎ More than 9,000 species, from single-cell organisms to penguins and whales,…

Reuters article on COVID-19 & Quiet Ocean Experiment

…before propeller-driven ships and boats spanned the globe? even picked up by the New York Times: and in the hard copy edition of the Washington Post. The 2009…

DNAHouse: exploring urban environment

…in the environment. We found tell-tale DNA in dried-out horse manure in Central Park, a pigeon feather on the sidewalk and a shed snakeskin. DNAHouse attracted news interest New York Times: “Through…

Godfather – The Scientist

…‘My Godfather isn’t mad at me anymore.’ I called you five times after I lost the Harvard Chair and Andrei always told me you were out or busy, so I knew you…

National Ocean Exploration Forum

…… Strange purple sea creatures found in deep ocean trenches BBC News–Oct 20, 2016 500 ‘Champagne’ Methane Seeps Discovered Off Pacific Coast Live Science–Oct 20, 2016 Methane leak along the

DNA Barcode In New York Times

Today’s New York Times Science Times section has an article A Species in a Second: Promise of DNA ‘Bar Codes’ with a good history of the DNA Barcode project and…