CoML – Arctic Project

The new Arctic project of the Census of Marine Life is in the news today. The story was covered by all the big media outlets — BBC, CNN International, AP,…

Godfather – The Scientist

…modeler closed his eyes for a moment and then began to speak. “Convinced that science and technology, if wisely directed, can benefit all mankind, believing that international cooperation between national

Science and the Presidency

…of United States politics, including science in high politics. The greenhouse effect, the Valdez oil spill, and biodiversity; AIDS, tuberculosis, and other emerging diseases; fetal tissue research, genome mapping, DNA…

Special Report

…into the North Atlantic and for its operations in Nigeria. In September, an international business and environmental magazine, Tomorrow, gave Mr. Moody-Stuart an environmental leadership award and said he had…

NYC/NJ Aquatic Vertebrate Environmental DNA (eDNA) Project

…Final Report and press release summarize the conference proceedings and outline concrete steps forward. The Conference attracted coverage in Science online and print, and National Geographic online, reflecting the excitement…