Science and the Presidency

During the 1992 election, Josh Lederberg and Jesse Ausubel authored an editorial for The Scientist magazine about

Science And The Presidency: 1993

“Each four-year presidential election cycle frames an era of United States politics, including science in high politics. The greenhouse effect, the Valdez oil spill, and biodiversity; AIDS, tuberculosis, and other emerging diseases; fetal tissue research, genome mapping, DNA patents, and DNA fingerprinting; chemical weapons and unemployed Soviet bomb scientists; the space station and the supercollider: The past term has been a busy one for science in the White House. The next term will be …”

The article lists Josh as the only author at the top but the credits at the bottom correctly show the co-authorship. It is fun to reflect on the changes in the list of issues above, and how high policy did or did not affect them.