An article in Investor’s Business Daily

the same gloomy future for oil. New Malthusians such as biologist Paul Ehrlich said population growth would soon lead to worldwide chaos. They all misread the signs, for much the

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

…Preface, p. 6 of the prior link. New Antarctic atlas offers index of marine life BBC News – ‎‎ More than 9,000 species, from single-cell organisms to penguins and whales,…


The Census of Marine Life, which Jesse has helped develop, is growing fast. The Associated Press has just issued a lively account of some of the nascent field projects….

Community Risk Profiles: Background

Addressing Environmental Quality and Public Health at the Community Level: A Problem Statement IDDO K. WERNICK The Rockefeller University, New York, NY SUMMARY As the size and diversity of the

Simulating the Academy: Toward Understanding Colleges and Universities as Dynamic Systems

JH Ausubel, R Herman, WF Massy, SV Massy. What Higher Education is Doing Right, W.F. Massy and J.W. Meyerson, eds., Princeton University 107–120 1997 120

…constituency, with media actions being illustrated with newspaper clippings or television stories. Public opinion also might be simulated as a single constituency; public opinion might drive regulatory decisions, and influence state funding decisions in game…

Leonardo DNA project

…sponsored by Eugenio Giani, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany. Jesse’s introductory essay is here. The press release earned wide attention, for example, BBC radio: Gizmodo, USA The

Special Report

…sold poorly. The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, a government-industry group working on new technologies, hopes to design by 2004 a midsize car that gets 80 miles a…

Bi-Logistic Growth

PS Meyer. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 47: 89–102 1994

…Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1991. Grübler, A., The Rise and Fall of Infrastructures, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1990. Oliver, R. M., Saturation Models: A Brief Survey and Critique, Journal of…