17 June 2004

…for the Census of Marine Life has appeared in the Chilean journal Gayana. We also offer Jesse’s English translation. Gayana‘s transcript [Spanish, with English translation]: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/PDF_FILES/Jesse_H._Ausubel.PDF Jesse’s English translation: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/PDF_FILES/comlconcepcionjha.pdf…

An article in Investor’s Business Daily

the same gloomy future for oil. New Malthusians such as biologist Paul Ehrlich said population growth would soon lead to worldwide chaos. They all misread the signs, for much the

Bar Code of Life

…Blog: where we write about and illustrate the latest news about DNA barcoding Partners Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) – Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) – All Birds Barcoding Initiative (ABBI) – All Leps…

Science and the Presidency

…of United States politics, including science in high politics. The greenhouse effect, the Valdez oil spill, and biodiversity; AIDS, tuberculosis, and other emerging diseases; fetal tissue research, genome mapping, DNA…

Optimistic About Our Environmental Future

A column about us, “Optimistic about our environmental future”, is syndicated in many newspapers across the country. By MITZI PERDUE, Scripps Howard News Service September 11, 2000 As director of…

Secret Forests of El Salvador

…almost 40% between 1992-2001. https://www.cifor.cgiar.org/docs/_ref/polex/english/ The full reference of the article is: Hecht, S.B., S. Kandel, I. Gomez, N. Cuellar, and H. Rosa. 2006. Globalization, Forest Resurgence, and Environmental Politics

Forest Identity Tutorial

…refers to a growing stock spread sheet with growing stock data for 144 countries in 1990 and 2005. Finally, the tutorial introduces our new phrase “Carbon Orchards,” which updates the