Working Less and Living Longer: Long-Term Trends in Working Time and Time Budgets

JH Ausubel, Arnulf Grübler. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 50: 113–131 1995

…(1991) The Overworked American. New York: Basic. Statistics Bureau, Management and Coordination Agency (1987) Japan Statistical Yearbook. Tokyo. Strasser S. (1982) Never Done: A History of American Housework. New York: Panthion. Szalai A.,…

Chernobyl After Perestroika: Reflections on a Recent Visit

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 14: 187–198 1992

…of many Americans left those lands behind and harder to understand why people have fought so hard over them. Sometimes people fight most where the stakes are low. Certainly rural…

Leonardo DNA project

…sponsored by Eugenio Giani, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany. Jesse’s introductory essay is here. The press release earned wide attention, for example, BBC radio: Gizmodo, USA The

Optimistic About Our Environmental Future

A column about us, “Optimistic about our environmental future”, is syndicated in many newspapers across the country. By MITZI PERDUE, Scripps Howard News Service September 11, 2000 As director of…

Bob Herman

Prof. Hani Mahmassani, Director of the Transportation Center at Northwestern University, has set up a Google Scholar public profile for the late Robert Herman, with whom we worked closely on…

Technical Progress and Climatic Change

JH Ausubel. Energy Policy 23 (4/5): 411–416 1995 Also pp. 501-512 in Integrated Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, N Nakicenovic, WD Nordhaus, R Richels, and FL Toth (eds), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1994.

…in 1800 as the average American field yielded until about 1940. Americans harvested more by bringing in more land. Productivity per hectare took off in the United States in the

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

…Preface, p. 6 of the prior link. New Antarctic atlas offers index of marine life BBC News – ‎‎ More than 9,000 species, from single-cell organisms to penguins and whales,…