Barcode of Life site updates

We have updated and reorganized our webpages on DNA, Taxonomy, and the Barcode of Life ( to keep pace with this rapidly progressing field. Among other exciting developments, the Smithsonian…

“Son et lumiere” – Exciting Updates

A slightly revised version of Jesse’s May 2009 Dalhousie University Commencement Address, Son et lumiere, is published on 23 November 2009 by the monthly science magazine, SEED, as Broadening the…

Maglevs and the Vision of St. Hubert [PDF]

JH Ausubel. Challenges of a Changing Earth 175–182 2002 (Proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-13 July 2001)

…care of the young and mutual grooming. In humans came the most recent evolutionary structure, the hugely expanded neocortex. This neomammalian brain brought language, visualization, and symbolic skills. But conservative…

Because the Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must

JH Ausubel. Production Efficiencies: The Engineers' Report, American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, D.C. 14–18 1999 Republished in: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic SYSTEMS 14(10):3-6, October 1999. The paper is based on a talk Jesse gave at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings in New York in April 1999.

…the paleomammalian, with new particular behavior, for example, care of the young and mutual grooming. In humans came the most recent evolutionary structure, the hugely expanded neocortex. This neomammalian brain…

EOL Videos

The 8-9 May 2007 public launch of the Encyclopedia of Life included short appearances by Jesse on Reuters television and on the CBC evening news….

Industrial Ecology: A Coming of Age Story

JH Ausubel. Resources 130: 14 1998 Published by Resources for the Future, Washington, DC

…the house rules. Ecology is the branch of biology which deals with the mutual relations between organisms and their environment. Ecology implies more the webs of natural forces and organisms,…

Seasons USA theatre release schedule

…Jesse Ausubel at the dinner in honor of the film at the home of the French ambassador in Washington DC. See also the earlier entries below.    …

CoML – Arctic Project

The new Arctic project of the Census of Marine Life is in the news today. The story was covered by all the big media outlets — BBC, CNN International, AP,…