Jacques Perrin Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival

the great film Oceans on the 21st and 24th. Good articles about the festival appeared in the Martha’s Vineyard Times and the Vineyard Gazette. In March 2006 we helped with…

18 December 2012 Farmland Talk

…Bibliography db. Our paper has attracted more media attention. Some linked examples are below: Los Angeles Times NPR Reuters, appeared in many places, including Oman, Phnom Penh, Sydney, Huffington Post…

Mark Stoeckle mitochondria paper in Human Evolution

world are no greater than differences between pigeons https://uk.news.yahoo.com/genetic-differences-between-people-across-184451249.html?guccounter=2 Europa Press, newswire, Spain La diferencia genética entre humanos, en el promedio de las especies https://www.europapress.es/ciencia/laboratorio/noticia-diferencia-genetica-humanos-promedio-especies-20180521172546.html Agencia EFE, Spain Demostrado, no…