An International Quiet Ocean Experiment

IL Boyd, G Frisk, E Urban, P Tyack, J Ausubel, S Seeyave, D Cato, B Southall, M Weise, R Andrew, T Akamatsu, R Dekeling, C Erbe, D Farmer, R Gentry, T Gross, A Hawkins, F Li, K Metcalf, JH Miller, D Moretti, C Rodrigo, and T Shinke. Oceanography 24 (2): 174–181 2011 doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.37

# of Species

…paper on biodiversity. The paper attracted more than 1000 news stories around the world in more than 20 languages and 50 countries. Congratulations to Camilo and Company for having made…

National Cockroach Project (NCP)

…spirit of the project and results so far. The LiveScience post was picked up by NBC News, Yahoo News, and Discovery websites. Results so far show four distinct genetic types…