Biology in Art

The Leonardo Da Vinci DNA Project opened our eyes to the possibilities (inevitability!) of exciting new discoveries by integrating new tools of genetics, molecular biology, and microbiology into studies of…

ZEPP’s is SlashDotted

Jesse’s article on Zero Emission Power Plants (ZEPPs) was slashdotted! Original article:…

top temperature limit for life

Deep Carbon Observatory researchers set off on quest to find the top temperature limit for life. Jesse, who helps manage the program for the Sloan Foundation, will join the shore-based…

Washington Post Virtual-U

Virtual-U and the Serious Games movement that Jesse has helped build makes the front page of the Washington Post. We have a PDF version here:…

eDNA seasonal fish abundance study

Mark Stoeckle, together with co-authors Lyubov Soboleva (Hunter College) and Zachary Charlop-Powers (Rockefeller University), update their 2017 paper “Aquatic environmental DNA detects seasonal fish abundance and habitat preference in an…


Jesse gave the opening keynote at the Supergrid2 conference on the continental supergrid for hydrogen and electricity at the U. of Illinois 24-27 October. A report of the meeting will…