Why are flowers beautiful?

Last year, the Lotos Club invited Jesse Ausubel to give a short dinner address at their celebration of Earth. The little essay, Why are flowers beautiful?, draws on ideas about…

Jesse at The Lindbergh Symposium

The Lindbergh Symposium issues a press release about the 13 November 2004 Florida conference in which Jesse will speak about green mobility.

Burg visit

During September, PHE welcomed a guest, Dr. David Burg, a biostatistician based at the Golan Research Institute in Katzrin, Israel, as a visiting researcher. Dr. Burg is working with PHE…

The view over “Democracy Plaza”

We post the view of the Rockefeller Center ice skating rink from Jesse’s Sloan office the morning after the Presidential election. (click on the image to see a larger view)…

CoML Press Release

The Census of Marine Life issues a press release highlighting its progress during the past year. https://phe.rockefeller.edu/PDF_FILES/CoMLNov2004.pdf…

The (New) Web of Life by Alan Burdick

On Earth, the quarterly magazine of the NRDC, published a detailed article, The (New) Web of Life , by Alan Burdick about the history and progress of the Encyclopedia of…

CoML Poster

We post the colorfully illustrated 4-page poster-like 2004 Highlights Report of the Census of Marine Life, which Jesse helped author. https://phe.rockefeller.edu/PDF_FILES/CoMLAnnHigh04Report.pdf…