Second Look and Cities posted

Expanding our online publication archive, PDF versions of the 1991 paper, “A Second Look at the Impacts of Climate Change,” as well a 1988 piece by Jesse and Robert Herman…

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

…book is the work of 147 scientists from 91 institutions across 22 countries. A colorful 4-page flyer describes the book, which will be available for purchase through in November…

Quiet Ocean plan published

The Science Plan of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) has been published and is available in pdf (see and printed formats. Thanks to Peter Tyack, George Frist, Ed…

The Program for the

The Program for the Human Environment goes online, with a simple web page hosted by an SGI Indy (….

IE Reflections posted

We notice that the 1992 paper “Industrial Ecology: Reflections on a Colloquium” (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) has been published online: We also have a copy on our server:…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…far, in a free online service ( “There are expectations of 8 to 50 million more species out there that we haven’t identified yet,” Edwards said. Other experts’ estimates of…

News coverage about surprising Jersey Shore fish spotted w eDNA

…detecta migraciones de especies marinas Prensa Latina, Cuba Descubren nuevos patrones de migración de especies marinas tropicales Globedia, Spain Detectan migraciones de especies marinas gracias al ADN medioambiental…