The Great Reversal: Nature’s Chance to Restore Land and Sea

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 22: 289–302 2000

…the United States is far from most efficient practice. Water withdrawals for all users in the OECD countries range tenfold, with the USA and Canada the highest. Allowing for national…

The Census of the Fishes: An Update

…example open-ocean moorings, bottom-mounted moorings, constant depth or yo-yo’ed towed sensors, neutrally-buoyant floats, drifters, single-ship/multi-ship bases for AUV’s and ROV’s, and air-deployment. Many such approaches, already available or in development,…

Encyclopedia of Life September 2011

On 5 September Version 2 of the Encyclopedia of Life [] became available. A press release describes some of the new features, which include easy ways to build communities and…

New version of Loglet Lab released, LL5

The newest version of PHE’s Loglet Lab software, LL5 is now available to users online. Software improvements in LL5 include more tools for statistical analysis, cleaner graphs, and a ‘Get…