National Ocean Exploration Forum

A Press Release describes recent discoveries by ocean explorers and the 2016 National Ocean Exploration Forum, organized by Jesse Ausubel (Rockefeller University) and Paul Gaffney (Monmouth University). Thanks to the 110 participants and for great preparation by Alan Curry, Doris Manville, Karl Vilacoba, and Danica Simmons.

News reports of the recent discoveries:

Remotely operated vehicles expand reach for ocean researchers

WorkBoat (blog)Oct 20, 2016

“A lot of the difficulty with ocean exploration since Ulysses is we move slowly at sea,” said Jesse Ausubel, director of the Program for the Human …

Strange purple sea creatures found in deep ocean trenches
BBC NewsOct 20, 2016

 500 ‘Champagne’ Methane Seeps Discovered Off Pacific Coast
Live ScienceOct 20, 2016

 Methane leak along the West Coast that could contribute to global …
Daily MailOct 20, 2016

 There’s an Enormous Natural Gas Seep Along the West Coast
Gizmodo India15 hours ago

Animation of eruptions, earthquakes, emissions

Deep Carbon Observatory researchers have created an eye-popping animation that shows volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and associated emissions since 1960…and reveals the seamy structure of the Earth.  See the press release about Exhaling Earth and the 70-second E3 animation.

Coverage includes

Washington Post

Watch Earth pulse with earthquakes and eruptions in this stunning visualization


Daily Mail

Global system could help predict cataclysmic supervolcano eruptions


Volcano insight: Fifty years of eruptions revealed


Una aplicación compila todas las erupciones volcánicas desde 1960


Eruzioni e terremoti, 50 anni di dati in un’app

New York Times

What 50 Years of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions Look Like

Congratulations to Liz Cottrell, Tobias Fischer, Marie Edmonds and Co. on super science!

Seasons USA theatre release schedule

Distributor Music Box Films has posted the release schedule in USA theatres of the new Jacques Perrin documentary film about forests and forest fauna, The Seasons. Here is a photo with Kathleen Townsend, Jacques Perrin, and Jesse Ausubel at the dinner in honor of the film at the home of the French ambassador in Washington DC.


See also the earlier entries below.

Short videos of Galatee’s The Seasons

The Seasons 2-minute teaser



Burg visit

During September, PHE welcomed a guest, Dr. David Burg, a biostatistician based at the Golan Research Institute in Katzrin, Israel, as a visiting researcher.  Dr. Burg is working with PHE on a number of projects including the development of online software for statistical analysis of time series data as well as studies applying biological models to social and technical phenomena.  We were fortunate enough to have the participation of many, if not all, the PHE members involved in the joint research.  Pictured below with New York City in the background from left to right are: Jason, Mark, Jesse, Doris, Perrin, Iddo, and David Burg.


Updated lists of publications for Jesse Ausubel

We have updated the lists of publications for Jesse Ausubel.   The chronological list includes only scientific and scholarly works, which begin in 1978.  The topical list allocates these papers to areas such as marine science, forests and energy, and also spans selected reports stemming from Jesse’s work with NAE, NRC, and the Carnegie Commission as well as informal works (including tributes, humor, poems, drama).

National Forum on Ocean Exploration

On 20-21 October, our Rockefeller-Monmouth Ocean Science & Policy Initiative will host the 2016 US National Forum on Ocean Exploration. For more information, click HERE.  Attendance is by invitation only.