Encyclopedia of Life in the news

  IT World and Boingboing run stories about progress of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). Encyclopedia of Life: Better than Wikipedia! What leeches and ligers can teach you about evolution…

Deep Carbon Observatory News

…Oil and Gas sector 23 December 2009 The new international Deep Carbon Observatory https://dco.ciw.edu/ led by Robert Hazen and Russ Hemley has launched its website. Jesse and Veselin Kostov have…

David Thaler joins us more officially

…is now based at the Biozentrum – Center for Molecular Life Sciences in Basel, Switzerland. David now rejoins RU as a guest investigator with PHE, and mutual interests spanning evolution,…

Where is Energy Going? [PDF]

JH Ausubel. The Industrial Physicist 6 (1): 16–19 2000 The essay had appeared in Italian in the special millennial edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999; also in Italian as Benvenuti nel millennio nuclear, pp.163-168 in Duemila: Verso una societa aperta, M. Moussanet, ed., Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2000.

…edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999; also in Italian as Benvenuti nel millennio nucleare, pp.163-168 in Duemila: Verso una societa aperta, M. Moussanet,…

Hudson Canyon at Explorers Club

A Dive into Hudson Canyon: New York’s Atlantic Secret The Wildlife Conservation Society, The New York Aquarium, and The Explorers Club invite you to a dive into Hudson Canyon –…