eDNA Detection of Salamanders

PHE student Samara Davis will present her work with Mark Stoeckle on eDNA detection of threatened salamanders at Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Annual Meeting https://northeastparc.org, to be…

Decarbonization in The American

Energy author Robert Bryce publishes a piece in The American magazine that refers heavily to our work on Decarbonization….

New site design for PHE

Our new cool-looking PHE website is up and running, thanks especially to Jason Yung and Mark Stoeckle. A brand new publications database ties everything together, thanks to diligence of Smriti…

National Cockroach Project

The DNAHouse project alerted us to the value of barcoding a New York City cockroach…and now Mark Stoeckle announces the initiation of the National Cockroach Project. Jeanne Garbarino posts a…

Nature Rebounds

Jesse Ausubel’s 55-minute talk (plus 30 minutes of Q&A), Nature Rebounds, to the Long Now Foundation on 13 January 2015 at the San Francisco Jazz Center is on-line. Thanks to…

Glasgow Cities lecture

Glasgow University will host a lecture by Jesse Ausubel Monday 17 April on The Nature of the City as part of a workshop, “Future cities: Do cities have limits?” Here…