International Conflicts over Environment: Scientist’s Roles and Opportunities

JH Ausubel. Scientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International Discord, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 866: 253–258 1998

…short time, the first NATO rupture of this kind. On one occasion, when a British frigate confronted an Icelandic gunboat on the high seas, the world’s press may have outnumbered…


Finnish analyst Lauri Hetemaki documents a powerful example of Dematerialization in the U.S. newsprint market. For more information, see, Hetemäki, L. 2005, Chapter 6.2.2 “The U.S. newsprint market”, pp. 77-80,…

Quiet Ocean news

… the first World Ocean Passive Acoustic Monitoring Day in June. The newsletter also provides updates on the global hydrophone metadatabase, low-cost hydrophones, and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on ocean…

# of Species

…paper on biodiversity. The paper attracted more than 1000 news stories around the world in more than 20 languages and 50 countries. Congratulations to Camilo and Company for having made…

Encyclopedia of Life in the news

  IT World and Boingboing run stories about progress of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). Encyclopedia of Life: Better than Wikipedia! What leeches and ligers can teach you about evolution…

Where is Energy Going? [PDF]

JH Ausubel. The Industrial Physicist 6 (1): 16–19 2000 The essay had appeared in Italian in the special millennial edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999; also in Italian as Benvenuti nel millennio nuclear, pp.163-168 in Duemila: Verso una societa aperta, M. Moussanet, ed., Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2000.

…around the lead energy commodity of the era. In each era, consumption triples. “F” is the fraction of market share. To view a PDF on your computer, you can download…

Visions of the 21st Century

…Make Garbage Disappear? Through the magic of recycling and modern alchemy, we will move swiftly toward a world without waste by IVAN AMATO Whoever said “waste not, want not” hasn’t…

The Encyclopedia of Life goes live

The Encyclopedia of Life, for which Jesse served as founding chairman, goes live! Reuters offers a good sample story about the debut of this promising macroscope. Please visit the EOL…

Deep Carbon Observatory News

Way back in 2007-2009, inspired by the late Tommy Gold, Jesse Ausubel joined Robert Hazen and Russell Hemley in launching the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO). The program is now at…