We post the paper

We post the paper Death and the Human Environment, which appeared this month in the journal Technology in Society….

Rise and Fall of SO2 emissions in USA

We post the rise and fall of sulfur dioxide emissions in the USA, which form an Environmental Kuznets Curve where richer is first dirtier and then richer becomes cleaner, as…

PLoS ONE paper “Structural Analysis of Biodiversity”

In 24 February 2010 PLoS ONE paper “Structural Analysis of Biodiversity”, PHE researcher Mark Stoeckle and colleagues at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine apply their recently-developed indicator vector technique to…

Papers Posted

We post the paper How Much Will Feeding More and Wealthier People Encroach on Forests?, which just appeared in the journal Population and Development Review. We also post the paper…

Passing of Dr. Robert M. White

…who had the privilege of working with him.” The Washington Post ran a good remembrance. The New York Times also runs an obituary: Robert M. White, Meteorologist Who Revolutionized Weather…