Papers Posted

We post the paper How Much Will Feeding More and Wealthier People Encroach on Forests?, which just appeared in the journal Population and Development Review. We also post the paper…

eDNA and Loch Ness

Mark Stoeckle is interviewed in an AP Television segment about searching for the Loch Ness monster using eDNA. Mark’s interview and footage begins about 2 minutes 50 seconds into the…

An article in Investor’s Business Daily

…storms and rampant tropical diseases reveal, once again, the brainless-human theory at work. This has long been a problem with the Jeremiahs of the environmental movement. They predict utter ruin…

July issue of Fisheries

The July issue of Fisheries, the magazine of the American Fisheries Society, contains Jesse’s update ‘The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects.’ We post the paper Nitrogen on the…