Plos One paper – Practice not Theory

PHE’s Mark Stoeckle and colleague David Thaler published a new research paper in PLOS ONE, DNA Barcoding Works in Practice but Not in (Neutral) Theory. The paper examines what DNA…

Jesse’s millennial essay “Where is

…special millennial edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999. The April 2000 issue of The Industrial Physicist contains several letters responding to the essay….

Criminal Feminism

Feminism involves the entry of women into occupations from which they were excluded. A report on the imprisonment of women in the US provides data on convicted women that presumably…

Human effect on natural light

Human additions of sound and light continue to interest us as aspects of global change, as we wrote in JH Ausubel. Broadening the scope of global change to include illumination…

An article in Nature magazine

An article in Nature magazine (408:8 (2000)) describes a recent meeting organized by Jean-Jacques Salomon and Alexander Keynan in Paris on the topic of global scientific cooperation in a post…