Does Energy Policy Matter?

…so-called fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas, each have a typical ratio of hydrogen to carbon atoms. Coal’s H:C ratio is about 1 to 2, oil 2 to 1,…

Trinity School TeaBOL

The Trinity School TeaBOL project is featured in cover article for December/January issue of The Helix, an Australian science magazine for children 10+…

Biological Sampling in the Deep Sea

…of Marine Life. The editors led the seamounts project of the Census and for this book attracted experts also on abyssal plains, vent & seep communities, and the continental margins…

Barcoding in Scientific American

…Scientific American, on newsstands and web today, with the story highlighted on the cover and top of web page. Barcode of Life: DNA Tags Help Classify Animals [SciAm] PDF version…

Big Green Energy Machines

…the Millennium Technology Prize symposium in Finland, is the cover story in the October issue of The Industrial Physicist. We also have a PDF copy on our servers:…

Census of Marine Life in the news

…Meanwhile, the weekly Economist magazine features the Census on the cover of its “The World in 2010” issue and in an excellent article by Alun Anderson, “Introducing the transparent ocean.”…

Mapping genetic diversity in the American cockroach

…brown color Australian cockroachi (P. australasia) Bright yellow along sides of head and body Brown cockroach (P. brunnea) Most similar to P. americana Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) Uniformly dark color, short wings don’t cover