FISH-BOL now online

The website for the project we helped start to develop DNA barcodes for all fish, appropriately called “FISH-BOL”, is now on-line at….

On Sparing Farmland and Spreading Forest

JH Ausubel. Forestry at the Great Divide: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 2001 Convention, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda MD 127–138 2002

…have always been used. The external energy of fossil fuels permitted their massive, economical, and convenient synthesis beginning about 1950. The breakthroughs in external energy inputs allowed expansion and intensification…

Resources are Elastic

JH Ausubel. Earth Matters 46–47 2000 a magazine published by the Earth Institute at Columbia University, Winter 1999/2000. This issue contains many of the speeches that were presented at the "State of The Planet" conference held at Columbia in the Fall of 1999.

…accessing and redefinition of resources, keeps happening with humans. One of the greatest technological shifts was the industrial revolution. If we take the “industrial revolution” as one huge innovation, we…

Our work on hydrogen is

Our work on hydrogen is reported in the cover story of the Italian weekly newsmagazine Liberal on 9 December 1999, pp. 9-13, (Vol. 2, no. 48). The winter 1999/2000 issue…

CoML Showcase Public report

…the Press Release View images & download hi-res versions View additional images & hi-res versions Download PDF version of Report Download PDF version of Report COVER Download Showcase Public Report….

Goldstone interview

…Goldstone in her public radio program “Living Lab.” A short article describes the interview, which focused on questions of land use and land cover, and links to the hour-long podcast….

Mitigation and Adaptation for Climate Change: Answers and Questions

JH Ausubel. The Bridge 23 (3): 15–30 1993 Also pp. 557-584 in Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, Y. Kaya, N. Nakicenovic, W.D. Nordhaus, and F.L. Toth, eds., International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1993.

…National Academy of Sciences, 1992, Policy Implications of Global Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base, National Academy, Washington, DC. National Safety Council, 1992, Accident Facts, 1992 Edition, National Safety Council, Itasca,…

Natural Restoration Promised if Humans Embrace Technology

…under way,” he told delegates at the Global Change Open Science Conference, organized by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. The IGBP comes under the auspices of the International Council for Science…

Energy and Environment: The Light Path

JH Ausubel. Energy Systems and Policy 15: 181–188 1991

…The nineteenth century industrial paradigm is forever gone. Do not expect to find coal-fired buses or coal-fired 747s on a future visit to Beijing. The structure of end-use demand, including…