On Sparing Farmland and Spreading Forest

JH Ausubel. Forestry at the Great Divide: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 2001 Convention, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda MD 127–138 2002

…revolutionized food, permitting digestion of much plant material and seeds in particular, and in most cases improving taste as well. Farming amplifies the production of biological material assimilable directly or…

Restoring the Forests

DG Victor, JH Ausubel. Foreign Affairs 79 (6): 127–144 2000

…farmers as part of the problem. But by lifting yields, farmers can be part of the solution. Brussels and Washington can help matters by paying farmers to grow forests instead…

Reasons to Worry About the Human Environment

JH Ausubel. Journal of the Cosmos Club of Washington D.C 8 (1): 12 1998 Republished in Technology in Society 21:217-231, 1999. 

…required to adhere to a more organized and less flexible social structure, in school or around the home. Seeing fewer children, parents may also more quickly think a particular child…

International Conflicts over Environment: Scientist’s Roles and Opportunities

JH Ausubel. Scientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International Discord, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 866: 253–258 1998

…and modeling fish stocks become sufficiently reliable to contribute to dispute resolution. The Cod Wars were partly about territory, but they were also partly about poor information about North Sea…

Elektron: Electrical Systems in Retrospect and Prospect

JH Ausubel, C Marchetti. Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment 110–134 1997 Also appeared in Daedalus 125(3):139-169, Summer 1996.

…enormous. Theaters, malls, and monuments were lavishly illuminated. People were seduced by the magic. Amusement parks such as Luna Park and Dreamland at Coney Island in New York drew millions…

The Census of the Fishes: An Update

…on Oceanographic Research (SCOR) of the International Council of Science (ICSU, Paris) –Diversitas, a joint intergovernmental-nongovernmental entity created to foster studies of biodiversity (Paris) –World Wildlife Fund/International Union for the…

The Program for the

The Program for the Human Environment goes online, with a simple web page hosted by an SGI Indy (www.rockefeller.edu/phe)….

IE Reflections posted

We notice that the 1992 paper “Industrial Ecology: Reflections on a Colloquium” (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) has been published online: https://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/89/3/879 We also have a copy on our server:…

The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects

JH Ausubel. Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36 2001

…The grants, made by the Sloan Foundation in partnership with the US National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research (ONR), and other organizations belonging to the US National Ocean Partnership…