Deep Carbon Observatory landmarks

Yikes, we realize we never posted the 4 March news of the release of the baseline report of the Deep Carbon Observatory. The Press Release, which Jesse helped draft with…

CoML communications archive

In 2003 Jesse started working with communications expert Terry Collins to share news of the Census of Marine Life and then other environmental programs. Terry specializes in unorthodox press releases,…

Fox TV report on DNA House Project

Fox TV reported 23 February 2010 in their evening news on the discoveries of the DNA House project of Brenda Tan and Matt Cost in a well-composed video by reporter…

Big habitat projects flourish

…Science News magazine 17 February. A little more than five years ago, in February 2002, Jesse and Paul Hebert met at a Census of Marine Life workshop in White Point,…

EOL Videos

The 8-9 May 2007 public launch of the Encyclopedia of Life included short appearances by Jesse on Reuters television and on the CBC evening news….

European Commission

The Environmental News Alert Service of the European Commission published a piece “Forest Density is Increasing” describing our work….


…will help create a durable legacy of CoML and its cousin experimental observing programs. We are heartened that Reuters has distributed a news story. Australian Radio did a short interview…

Interview by Heinz Horeis

German journalist Heinz Horeis who specializes in energy and environment visited the PHE in late 2007. The Swiss weekly news magazine Weltwoche published in German 6 March 2008 a substantial…