A Society that reuses almost everything.

Our program was recently mentioned, and Jesse quoted, in the November 10, 1997 issue of Business Week (page 106 hardcopy). If you haven’t notice, we added some JavaScript to “light…

China Maglev Progress

While we prefer lateral suspension approach to the German approach, we are pleased to observe China speeding along the learning curve for maglev technology….

Our paper on “Working

Our paper on “Working Less and Living Longer: Long-term Trends in Working Time and Time Budgets” receives a Citation of Excellence from ANBAR, an on-line service that “reviews top journals…

Vern Ruttan Article

Jesse’s comment about Vern Ruttan’s article on technologies that might transform the economy appeared in the spring issue of the journal Issues in Science and Technology….

CoML Bermuda Triangle

The Census of Marine Life issued a press release 4 May on a cruise to look at sea bugs deep beneath the Bermuda Triangle….