Daedalus, Summer 1996

…Change: On the Patterns of Diffusion of Innovation–Arnulf Grubler, Research Scholar in the Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies Project at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria. Population,…

Chernobyl After Perestroika: Reflections on a Recent Visit

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 14: 187–198 1992

…the scale and integration that are themes of modern research. Nationalist tendencies can also run counter to the universalist ethic of science. These comments about the complex political situation preface…

Community Risk Profiles: Background

…no means comprehensive, is the issue of scale. Geographically speaking, some environmental problems are global in scope and, as such, require national and international attention, albeit still requiring individual contributions. Some problems…

Death and the Human Environment: The United States in the 20th Century [PDF]

JH Ausubel, PS Meyer, IK Wernick. Technology in Society 23 (2): 131–146 2001

…are assigned a “basic cause” through the use of the “Rules for the Selection of Basic Cause” stated in the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases. Geneva: World

The Census of the Fishes: An Update

…on Oceanographic Research (SCOR) of the International Council of Science (ICSU, Paris) –Diversitas, a joint intergovernmental-nongovernmental entity created to foster studies of biodiversity (Paris) –World Wildlife Fund/International Union for the…

Industrial Ecology: A Coming of Age Story

JH Ausubel. Resources 130: 14 1998 Published by Resources for the Future, Washington, DC

…through Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to invite the sorting out of directions for research. During 1995-1997 a couple of dozen people participated in the process, which Iddo Wernick and I reported….

The Forester’s Lever: Industrial Ecology and Wood Products

IK Wernick, PE Waggoner, JH Ausubel. Journal of Forestry 98 (10): 8–14 2000

…for the future. In Wood in our future. Washington, DC: National Academy Press and National Research Council. INCE, P.J. 1994. Recycling of wood and paper products in the United States. Madison, WI:…

International Conflicts over Environment: Scientist’s Roles and Opportunities

JH Ausubel. Scientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International Discord, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 866: 253–258 1998

…on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) of the non- governmental International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) to provide international equivalents of U.S. National Research Council studies on global warming. As…