2020 vision

JH Ausubel. The Sciences 33 (6): 14–19 1993 also Published in Science and Technology for Eight Billion People, Europe's Responsibility, P.H Mettler, ed., New Europe Publications, London, pp. 307-319, 1995. 

Reuters article on COVID-19 & Quiet Ocean Experiment

…before propeller-driven ships and boats spanned the globe? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-climate-research-i/pandemic-offers-scientists-unprecedented-chance-to-hear-oceans-as-they-once-were-idUSKBN23F1M3 even picked up by the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/06/08/us/08reuters-health-coronavirus-climate-research-insight.html and in the hard copy edition of the Washington Post. The 2009…

Students Use DNA Barcodes to Unmask “Mislabeled” Fish at Grocery Stores, Restaurants

…of Life: www.eol.org Barcode of Life Database: www.barcodinglife.org Consortium for the Barcode of Life: barcoding.si.edu Barcoding marine species: www.marinebarcoding.org FishBol: www.fishbol.org Barcoding blog: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/barcode/blog Ten Reasons for Barcoding Life: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/barcode/docs/TenReasonsBarcoding.pdf “Barcode of Life” Scientific American, October 2008: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/docs/BarcodeScientificAmerican.2008.10.pdf…

The Program for the

The Program for the Human Environment goes online, with a simple web page hosted by an SGI Indy (www.rockefeller.edu/phe)….

IE Reflections posted

We notice that the 1992 paper “Industrial Ecology: Reflections on a Colloquium” (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) has been published online: https://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/89/3/879 We also have a copy on our server:…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

Jesse becomes engaged in the Creationism discussion, when asked whether all life might actually voyage on Noah’s Ark, as reported in an article Reuters’ excellent environment correspondent, Alister Doyle. FEATURE-How…

The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects

JH Ausubel. Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36 2001

…1620 when the English settlers came.  Exhibits or other visualizations about the history of marine animal populations could be inspiring and influential, for example, in considering goals for Marine Protected…