ECO special issue on IQOE

In a special issue on ocean sound, the publication ECO – Environment, Coastal, Offshore published an article Introducing the International Quiet Ocean Experiment. The article is authored by partners in…

CBOL Taipei

…in 2003. During the 17-21 September 2007 the Consortium for the Barcode of Life convened its 2nd International Conference in Taipei along with meetings of working groups concerned with fish,…

Foreword for book on Squat Lobsters

…sustaining us. Anyone reading this masterwork will come to know that squat lobsters are not only Galatheoids and Chyrostolids, they are rubies and sapphires, set here in a scientific crown…

IQOE on the radio

The International Quiet Ocean Experiment is the subject of a good segment on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered news program prepared by Sasha Pfeiffer and Lynn Jolicoeur at WBUR…

POGO report

…explores new genomic, acoustic, and optical approaches, and their synergies, especially in relation to the deep ocean, and some organizational strategies to speed progress. “The oceanographic community is beginning to…

“Taxonomy for the twenty-first century” and “DNA barcoding of life”: special theme issues of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society available online

…Tomorrow’s taxonomy: collecting new species in the field will remain the rate-limiting step by Robert M. May Documenting plant diversity: unfinished business by Peter R. Crane Taxonomy as a fundamental…

Article about Jesse’s orchard

The Martha’s Vineyard Times runs a bright article about The Cherry Orchard in Jesse Ausubel’s Backyard with 8 photos as well as an excellent text by Laura Roosevelt….

Mortal Sea wins Bancroft Prize

…Faust. Amazingly, Jeff Bolster’s about the North Atlantic, The Mortal Sea, is one of the two winners for 2013! Congratulations, Jeff. Review in Times Literary Supplement 20 March 2013  …