An International Quiet Ocean Experiment

IL Boyd, G Frisk, E Urban, P Tyack, J Ausubel, S Seeyave, D Cato, B Southall, M Weise, R Andrew, T Akamatsu, R Dekeling, C Erbe, D Farmer, R Gentry, T Gross, A Hawkins, F Li, K Metcalf, JH Miller, D Moretti, C Rodrigo, and T Shinke. Oceanography 24 (2): 174–181 2011 doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.37

PNAS publishes Forests paper

The PNAS has published our new paper “Returning forests analyzed with the forest identity.” We also post a press release about it from the U. of Helsinki and a map…

Passing of marine biologist Ron O’Dor

…curious, good-humored colleague.  Jesse first met Ron in December 1997 at a meeting at the New England Aquarium to assess the feasibility of censusing the “non-fish nekton.” Ron represented the

Bob Herman

…materialization, dematerialization, and cities. The site makes the scope, significance and impact of Bob’s work accessible to a new generation. Impressively, more than 15 years after Bob passed away,…

National Cockroach Project

…types that differ by NYC neighborhood. The WSJ story prompted an interview for Channel 4 TV news, complete with cockroach close-ups, and coverage in the London Times and US Metro….