Can Technology Spare the Earth?

JH Ausubel. Am Sci 84 (2): 166–178 1996 Republished in Current Perspectives in Geology, Fourth Edition, Michael McKinney, Robert L. Tolliver, Parri Shariff, eds., Wadsworth, Boston, MA, 1998.

Evolving efficiencies in our use of resources suggest that technology can restore the environment even as population grows (NOTE: The color figures are at the end of this document for…

Does Energy Policy Matter?

…Efficiency measured as emission per energy improved in both nations, but more slowly than the French performance of the 1980s and more slowly in either nation than needed to hit…

Decarbonization: The Next 100 Years

…means big individual ZEPPs because the size of generating plants grows even faster than use, though in spurts.  Plants grow because large is cheap, if technology can cope.   Although the last wave…

Does Climate Still Matter?

JH Ausubel. Nature 350: 649–652 1991

…example, materials, physical structures, devices and machines) and software (rules and recipes for behaviour). Illustrative innovations of hardware are cisterns and dams to store water, tractors to speed rapid harvests,…

2020 declared Year of Quiet Ocean – News from International Quiet Ocean Experiment

…Presse Lull in shipping activity gives scientists chance to listen to sounds of the ocean German: Internationales Forscherteam untersucht Tierlaute im Ozean während Corona-Krise French: Un réseau mondial…

Daedalus, Summer 1996

…hears hence, when we are likely to number ten billion, yield as much food as today’s potato fields in Ireland, wheat fields in France, or corn fields in Iowa, large…

Canadian Nuclear

We post Jesse’s “Nuclear and Renewable Heresies“, delivered as a plenary address to the Canadian Nuclear Association 10 March 2005 in Ottawa….