On Sparing Farmland and Spreading Forest

JH Ausubel. Forestry at the Great Divide: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 2001 Convention, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda MD 127–138 2002

…case of pulp, more widespread literacy and the shift to a service economy raised the intensity of use in the early twentieth century. Thicker paper replaced thinner paper, and newspapers…

The Environment Since 1970

JH Ausubel, DG Victor, IK Wernick. Consequences: The Nature and Implications of Environmental Change 1 (3): 2–15 1995

…between 1974 and 1991. As a result, the industrialized nations increased their share of global GDP from three quarters to almost four-fifths even as their share of global population declined.Differences…

Because the Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must

JH Ausubel. Production Efficiencies: The Engineers' Report, American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, D.C. 14–18 1999 Republished in: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic SYSTEMS 14(10):3-6, October 1999. The paper is based on a talk Jesse gave at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings in New York in April 1999.

…at the end of this document for easier online reading.) My message is my title: Because the Human Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must. That is, technology must change, must…

Verification of International Environmental Agreements

JH Ausubel, DG Victor. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 17: 1–43 1992

…Problems and opportunities frequently cross national borders. Informal and formal international arrangements-loosely termed “regimes,” defined here as systems of rule or government that have widespread influence–are for the collective management…

Fishing for DNA paper published

…at the 47 sec. mark, 5 1/2 minutes): https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04yxshm#play A 40 sec. clip is also posted here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04zzxsh https://www.flyfisherman.com/news/edna-bread-crumbs-track-migrating-fish/ Smithsonian magazine How teeny bits of leftover DNA help scientists track…

The Census of Marine Life and the Role of Aquariums

JH Ausubel. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco 20 (1): 67 2001 Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, no spécial 20, fascicule 1

…International Aquarium Congress for the chance to share with you, the leaders of the international aquarium community, news of progress toward the implementation of a scientific program to carry out…

The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects

JH Ausubel. Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36 2001

…some of the likely main components of the program. History of Marine Animal Populations (HMAP) In 1497 English fishers returned from Newfoundland with news that “the sea there is swarming…