Reasons to Worry About the Human Environment

JH Ausubel. Journal of the Cosmos Club of Washington D.C 8 (1): 12 1998 Republished in Technology in Society 21:217-231, 1999. 

…main prospective cause. The continuing, steady decarbonization of the energy system means that the concentrations of carbon dioxide will not rise much above 500 ppm, about 40 percent above today’s…

Because the Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must

JH Ausubel. Production Efficiencies: The Engineers' Report, American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, D.C. 14–18 1999 Republished in: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic SYSTEMS 14(10):3-6, October 1999. The paper is based on a talk Jesse gave at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings in New York in April 1999.

…a second comparison: a USA city of 500,000 people in 1994 and a USA city of 500,000 people with the 1994 diet and the yields of 1920. Farming as Americans…

On Sparing Farmland and Spreading Forest

JH Ausubel. Forestry at the Great Divide: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 2001 Convention, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda MD 127–138 2002

…Think first not of forest but of farmland. Agriculture is shrinking. In this essay I share some views of the evolution of agriculture and then turn to their implications for…

Verification of International Environmental Agreements

JH Ausubel, DG Victor. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 17: 1–43 1992

…Problems and opportunities frequently cross national borders. Informal and formal international arrangements-loosely termed “regimes,” defined here as systems of rule or government that have widespread influence–are for the collective management…

The Environment Since 1970

JH Ausubel, DG Victor, IK Wernick. Consequences: The Nature and Implications of Environmental Change 1 (3): 2–15 1995

…the stock of higher species, such as tuna, decrease. With wild stocks under pressure, aquaculture is beginning to play a significant role in seafood production. Fish farms produce about one-…

The Forester’s Lever: Industrial Ecology and Wood Products

IK Wernick, PE Waggoner, JH Ausubel. Journal of Forestry 98 (10): 8–14 2000

…USDA Forest Products Laboratory. KAFUS INDUSTRIES. 1999. Kafus options 147,000 acres in Arizona as proposed site for increased kenaf fibre production. News release. Available online at www. MOULTON, R.J.,…

Dis the Threat Industry

JH Ausubel. Technological Forecasting and Society Change 62 (2): 119–120 1999

…budgets of its USA counterpart. The Cold War shows how hard it is to break a threat cycle. Threats can make symbiotic enemies. Of course, the USA and USSR truly…

Chernobyl After Perestroika: Reflections on a Recent Visit

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 14: 187–198 1992

…up in public squares. Prostitution is less subtle than in the past. The black market exchange rate appeared to make the average monthly Russian salary about 10 or 20 dollars,…

Technical Progress and Climatic Change

JH Ausubel. Energy Policy 23 (4/5): 411–416 1995 Also pp. 501-512 in Integrated Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, N Nakicenovic, WD Nordhaus, R Richels, and FL Toth (eds), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1994.

…Invention to Application, National Academy, Washington DC., USA, pp. 45-100. Starr, C. and Rudman, R., 1973, Parameters of technological growth, Science 182:358-364. Taylor, J.W.R., ed., 1984, Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft 1984-1985, Jane’s,…