Tea Barcode published

…journal Scientific Reports. Together with tea expert Selena Ahmed, Tufts University, and senior plant biologist Damon Little, The New York Botanical Garden, they analyzed DNA barcodes of 146 tea products…

We have posted three new

…Environment: Scientists’ Roles and Opportunities Jesse H. Ausubel In Mitigating International Discord, A. L. de Cerreno and A. Keynan, eds, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (866): 253-258,…


On January 15, WNYC’s Mike Pesca interviewed Jesse and Trinity students Brenda Tan and Matt Cost about their DNAHouse. Their lively, live interview can be downloaded as a podcast from…

Forests Podcast

Ira Flatow interviewed Jesse for a live radio segment (mp3) on NPR Science Friday 17 November 2006 about the PNAS paper by Kauppi et al. on Returning Forests….