Science and Diplomacy

…Baghdad faculty in science & engineering to visit the USA. We were pleased to help make possible the visit, which finally began 25 June 2005 and earned a front-page story…

Tom Malone

…bringing attention to the likelihood of human-induced climate change. Jesse met Tom first in 1977 when Tom served as a member of the Climate Research Board of the National Research

NYC/NJ Fish eDNA – Methods

…106 bp fragment detected all bony fish, needed other primers for cartilaginous fish and turtles; 1 L samples vacuum filtered onto 0.22-µm Durapore membrane filters (Millipore, MA, USA); Qiagen extraction…

Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment [external link]

JH Ausubel and HD Langford (eds.). 1997 Also appeared as special issue, "The Liberation of the Environment,"Daedalus 125(3):1-17, 1996.

The book is based on a conference held at The Rockefeller University and sponsored by the Program for the Human Environment, Electric Power Research Institute, and National Academy of Engineering. It has been published by…

Breakthrough Institute prize

…made a major contribution to realizing a future where all the world’s inhabitants can enjoy secure, free, prosperous, and fulfilling lives on an ecologically vibrant planet.” Jesse was chosen “in…

Gizmodo on populations

…a simple question to a handful of relevant experts. This week’s question is: Is the world overpopulated? Jesse Ausubel draws on our carrying capacity work to offer an answer:…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…were wiped out 65 million years ago. Government officials trying to protect the modern world’s wildlife gather in Bonn from May 19-30 for a meeting of the U.N. Convention on…