Technical Progress and Climatic Change

JH Ausubel. Energy Policy 23 (4/5): 411–416 1995 Also pp. 501-512 in Integrated Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, N Nakicenovic, WD Nordhaus, R Richels, and FL Toth (eds), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1994.

…for Agricultural Science and Technology, Ames, IA, USA. Worlton, J., 1988, Some patterns of technological change in high performance computers, CH2617-9, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, USA….

Some Ways to Lessen Worries about Climate Change [PDF]

JH Ausubel. The Electricity Journal 14 (1): 24–33 2001

…Even in 2020, we could already need to dispose carbon from gas alone equal to half today’s emission from all fuel and later it would cause about 75% of total

Visions of the 21st Century

…out an average of nearly 1,600 lbs. of banana peels, Cheerios boxes, gum wrappers, Coke cans, ratty sofas, TIME magazines, car batteries, disposable diapers, yard trimmings, junk mail, worn-out Nikes–plus…

Can Technology Spare the Earth?

JH Ausubel. Am Sci 84 (2): 166–178 1996 Republished in Current Perspectives in Geology, Fourth Edition, Michael McKinney, Robert L. Tolliver, Parri Shariff, eds., Wadsworth, Boston, MA, 1998.

…of material (and the piles of tire carcasses blighting landscapes and breeding mosquitoes). Lightweight optical fibers with 30 to 40 times the carrying capacity of conventional wiring and invulnerability to…

Dis the Threat Industry

JH Ausubel. Technological Forecasting and Society Change 62 (2): 119–120 1999

…and naysaying make for a lonely, impoverished career. Diminishing a problem unemploys not only experts and their publicists. Threats beget threat removal industries. Fears about asbestos created the asbestos removal

Discoveries of the Leonardo Da Vinci DNA Project

…  German version Forscher: «Schnelles Auge» half da Vinci beim Zeichnen und Malen*]}*es/la-rapidez-visual-de-da-vinci-explicaria-la-sonrisa-de-la-mona-lisa Agencia EFE La rapidez visual “súper desarrollada” de Da Vinci podría explicar la sonrisa de la Mona

Optimistic About Our Environmental Future

…the Program for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University, Jesse Ausubel doesn’t have a lot of faith in man’s capacity for sacrifice and responsibility. Nevertheless, he’s optimistic about our environmental

2020 declared Year of Quiet Ocean – News from International Quiet Ocean Experiment

…Presse Lull in shipping activity gives scientists chance to listen to sounds of the ocean German: International*]}*es Forscherteam untersucht Tierlaute im Ozean während Corona-Krise*]}*es-forscherteam-untersucht-tierlaute-ozean-214115152.html French: Un réseau mondial

Energy and Environment: The Light Path

JH Ausubel. Energy Systems and Policy 15: 181–188 1991

…to fuel it. Coal-powered automobiles never had much appeal. The weight and volume of the fuel were hard problems, especially for a highly distributed transport system. Every automobile filling station…

The Environment Since 1970

JH Ausubel, DG Victor, IK Wernick. Consequences: The Nature and Implications of Environmental Change 1 (3): 2–15 1995

…the environment Indicators for environmental issues may be grouped by geographical scale, namely those associated with large areal or global issues; those primarily significant at a regional level; and those…